Kapitel 4

402 17 8

The parents from both families took a different room while Shindou with the girl took a special room with a round table and just two chairs. There's a small candle on the table which had all prepared neatly on it and out of the window was a magnificent night view of the city. The girl was waiting near the table with a thin blush on her cheeks. Shindou pulled a chair for her and as she sat down, he bowed at her then took his seat.

"Shin-sama, let me to introduce myself.." Said the girl with a smile, "I'm Yamana Akane but Shin-sama can call me Akane.."

"It's a pleasure to know you, Akane-san.. You can call me Takuto if you want.."

Akane shook her head, "no.. Just let me to call you Shin-sama.. It's more comfortable for me.."

"As you wish, Akane-san.." Shindou bowed.

They just drowned in a small usual talk while enjoying the dinner. Not long after the chit chat, Akane proffered a certain white envelope to Shindou. She gave him permission to open it and read the inside. His eyes widened as he read it then he threw his sight to Akane who gave him an assure nod with a soft smile. It's an agreement from Akane upon the alliance which also meant that she's now Shindou's fiancee. The deal was set with a handshake between the head of the two families. Shindou's father then hugged his son tight to congratulate him as he smiling wide. While his mother prefer to gossiping some stuff with Akane's mother instead of asking about the business progress or else. The kind of not healthy family.

"I'm proud of you, Taku.. With this, the profit will be increased in no time.. Also we're one step closer to the domination.." The father laughed loudly.

"Yes, Taku-kun.. I'm also glad that you can forget about your previous fiancee.." Said the mother as she gave a slice of meat on Shindou's plate.

"Ye.. Yes, tou-sama, kaa-sama.." Shindou nodded slowly then staring blankly at his plate.

The breakfast was tense for Shindou this morning since it would be the day when Akane joined this family by moving in to the mansion. It's Shindou's family tradition when the head of the family was already engaged, the fiancee should move in the next day and they had to live under the same roof until the wedding day, but they didn't stay in the same room of course. Akane came at noon at the exact time for having lunch. Due to an appointment with clients, Shindou's parents couldn't join the lunch time. This time, Shindou didn't have any other choice but to have lunch just with Akane. It's also could be a quality time for both of them to get more closer each other. Akane was a nice girl and her interest was almost like another girls. She also liked music and it could be one point for her.

"Takuto-sama, Kirino-sama is here to meet you.." Said one of the maids.

"Oh, let him in.."

"Who is Kirino, Shin-sama?"

"He's my best friend.." Said Shindou with a small smile on his face.

"Shindou, how is___" Kirino flinched after he saw Akane and for some reason, he felt like he shouldn't be there.

"Oh, Kirino come here.. Let me introduce you to Akane.." Said Shindou by welcoming Kirino.

Kirino threw his sight at Shindou worriedly, "Shi.. Shindou.."

"What is it, Kirino?" Shindou pulled Kirino's hand, letting him to sit right beside him, "this is Yamana Akane.. Akane, this is Kirino Ranmaru.."

"It's nice to meet you, Kirino-san.." Akane smiled.

"Ye.. Yes.. It's.. Nice to meet you, Yamana-san.." Said Kirino hesitantly.

It's just a short visit and Kirino took his leave right away. Shindou escorted him until the entrance of the mansion and before he stepped out, he glanced at Shindou. Kirino was lost in his own thoughts about Akane. It's not like he hated the girl, but more like he had bad feeling about that girl. She's sure nice, but there's something about her which disrupted him. The prejudice was proven. No need a long wait to know about Akane's true self. Ever since the first meeting with Kirino, up until a couple of weeks Akane prohibiting Shindou from meeting with Kirino. She didn't clearly said it, but she had her own way to prevent Shindou from stepping out of the mansion. At first, Shindou sent some messages to Kirino with bunch of excuses that causing him couldn't invite the rosette boy to come to the mansion or to take a walk; but days later the messages didn't come as frequently as before until one day there's no message at all. Kirino was rilled up with the current situation. He had tried to visit Shindou's mansion, but the maids and the butlers didn't allow him to come inside.

"...but why can't I come in? I want to talk with Shindou.."

"Kirino-sama, we're sorry, but this is___"

"Is there something wrong?" Said Akane who suddenly appeared behind the maid.

The maid bowed at her, "it's Kirino-sama.. He wants to meet Takuto-sama..." The maid still bowed at her.

Akane then gave a sign for her to leave, "well, hi Kirino-san.. It's been a while.. What can I do for you?"

"Let me to see Shindou.." Said Kirino tensely.

"Oh, currently Shin-sama is still in his piano lesson.."

"Then let me wait for him in his room.." Kirino tried to push the door but being held by Akane.

"I'm afraid I can't allow you to come in.. Shin-sama wants me to secure the hall and his room so he could concentrate on the lesson.. It's an important lesson since he will have a piano tournament next week.." Explained Akane with a smile plastered on her face.

Kirino glared at Akane, "just what do you want to do with him, Yamana-san?" He grabbed Akane's hand tight.

"Eh?" Akane confused.

"Just let me to meet him! It's obvious that you want to separate us in purpose, don't you!? You make him to avoid me!" Shouted Kirino.

"What's with this fuss?" In all sudden, Shindou appeared behind Akane.

"Ah, Shin-sama.. It's nothing.."

"Shindou, finally.."

"Kirino?" Shindou made Akane to step back, "what are you doing here?"

"Shindou, I have to talk to you right now.." Kirino grabbed Shindou's hand, but being shaken off by Shindou that made him widened his eyes.

"Kirino, I'm busy right now.. Please, don't disturb me.." Said Shindou coldly, "Akane, let's go.." He pulled Akane's hand, then shut the door before Kirino's face.

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