Kapitel 5

398 15 17

It's a total shock for Kirino as he knew that Shindou shut the door before him rudely. It's not like the usual Shindou. Even just for seconds, Kirino could feel that Shindou's red eyes were empty. He's more like a living without a soul.

"He even called her with her name plainly, huh?" Kirino grumbling along his way home.


A soft call jolted him that made him threw his sight behind him. There's a long blonde haired girl with a pair of green eyes behind her spectacles, standing casually with confused face.

"Je.. Jeanne?" Exclaimed Kirino.

"Ranmaru-sama, why are you wandering alone here?" Asked Jeanne shyly.

"I told you to cut off the 'sama', didn't I?" Kirino sighed.

"Ah.. I'm so sorry.." Jeanne bowed, "Ra.. Ranmaru, why are you wandering alone here?"

Kirino stared at her doubtfully, "no need to repeat the question, Jeanne.." He chuckled as he saw Jeanne panicked and couldn't even give him a response, "I'm just taking a walk.. Want to go home together?" He proffered his hand toward her.

Jeanne nodded her head excitedly then grabbed Kirino's hand with no doubt. This Jeanne was Kirino's fiancee, but she's totally shy and clumsy. Not like Shindou, they didn't stay in one roof. Their engagement wasn't a force despite of the same case as Shindou and Akane. Fortunately, neither Kirino's parents nor Jeanne's parents forced them to get engaged, but it didn't seem affecting the alliance between the two sides.

The day of the tournament had finally arrived. No matter what, Kirino was insist on watching his best friend's play even if he didn't give an agreement. They had met during waiting time, but Shindou didn't seem interested in chatting with Kirino even if Kirino was sitting down right next to him. One by one the enteries done with their performance leaving Shindou as the last entry who would play after a short break. During the wait, there's no words came out from both of them. Kirino also had hard time since Akane was also there to support her fiance while Kirino had Jeanne by his side. Something didn't seem right as he saw Shindou didn't give any response to what Akane said. He's just kept silent without even looking at her. Even if Kirino asked Akane about Shindou, she just said that Shindou was nervous. After the break, Shindou prepared himself behind the stage. Akane and Kirino were there escorting him while Jeanne waiting on her seat. Akane gave Shindou a warm hug before finally Shindou stepped on the stage. Applause was echoing into the whole room like a welcoming theme for Shindou; but then silence feeling up the air as Shindou sat on the chair and started his play. The soft melody filling up Kirino's heart for seconds before he felt that the rhythm changed a bit. As his best friend, Kirino could recognize Shindou's play well. He knew Shindou's feeling through his play. This time, Shindou's play was cold and glum.

"Yes, Shin-sama.. As long as you keep your feeling.. You will get what you really want.."

Kirino accidentally heard Akane's murmur. What's with that? He really wanted to know what'd happened with Shindou, but he couldn't cross the boundary. He needed to wait the right time to save Shindou from the girl.

"Ra.. Ranmaru-sa___ Ah no, Ran.. Ranmaru.." Jeanne gently tapped Kirino's shoulder that made him jolted.

"Jeanne?" Kirino didn't aware that Jeanne was actually with him all this time behind the stage, "even if I ask you to wait, but still you're following me.." He chuckled, "what is it, Jeanne?"

"Umm.. Is he alright?" Jeanne looked at Shindou.

"Eh?" Kirino startled.

"It sounds like he's suffering.." Said Jeanne by grabbing her hands tight.

Kirino stared at Shindou worriedly, "he's okay, Jeanne.. He's definitely okay.." He smiled at her, "so, no need to worry.."

As the performance finished, it's obvious that Shindou got the first place. This was a great achievement which elevated Shindou's name in the world of music.

"Shin-sama, congratulation.." Said Akane hugging Shindou tight.

"Shindou.." Kirino gave a thumb up at him.

"Ki.. Kirino?"

At a short moment, Kirino saw a glint on Shindou's eyes. It's like he's just aware that Kirino was there, but not long after that, Shindou grabbed his head then collapsed right away. Some people rushed to help the gray head boy while some tried to call an ambulance. Among the ruckus, Kirino was frozen up with a strong pound on his heart. He did saw and he was sure that Shindou recognized him just now. It's the usual Shindou. He then glanced at Akane who looked so worried escorting Shindou. He suspected her for doing something on Shindou.

"Yamana Akane.." Kirino clenched his fist while glaring at Akane.

"Ranmaru, let's go.."

Jeanne grabbed Kirino's hand and they rushed out the stadium. As they're out, a certain car was already waiting them. After they entered the car, Jeanne ordered the driver to follow the ambulance before them.

They could relief that Shindou was okay. According to the doctor, he's just too tired due to daily routine and Akane confirmed it with her testimony that Shindou forced himself to practice until dawn. He was obsessed to win the tournament no matter what. At this moment, Kirino had no choice but to trust Akane. The ease feeling was just stand for the current moment. It's also the last day for them could enjoy every peaceful moment together before nightmare came. The unwanted scenario was prepared neatly before them. At the time Shindou opened his eyes, all he saw was just bloodshed and fire everywhere. He felt the warm liquid dripping from his hands.

"What's this? It's not mine.." Muttered him by seeing one of his hand with a gun while a dagger was under his feet, "what's happened?" His eyes scanning all around him, "Kirino.. Kirino.." He threw his sight to every corner of the room but he couldn't find Kirino, thus he just dashed out of the room.

An evil laugh was echoing along the hallway of the mansion which releasing bleak atmosphere. The nightmare had just begun. The beginning of the end

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