Chapter 7::Mazes of Mirror

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Ever so sorry, this took much longer then expected, but I'm dreadfully busy and I had a big writers block and different ideas for this chapter.

This isn't originally what I wanted to do but I had to change it up and do something for an update so here it is.

And the disclaimer. Yes. I do not own the Teen Titans or the villains used in this story. Or in this chapter.

Chapter 7: Mazes & Mirrors

Robin's thumb traced over Raven's scared and shivering fingers, trying to calm her down. Raven felt so at ease now after what had happened, but was still in shock. She was glad Robin was with her, or else she probably wouldn't have made it through Michael Myers. She'd look like the manikins of her friends still in the other rooms. She shuddered at the simple thought.

Raven suddenly stopped them both, and Robin turned to look at her face.

"What is it Raven?" Robin asked her. Raven actually didn't know why she stopped. But she didn't think that this was the way to the Control Room. She didn't know how wrong she was though, and this feeling was too.

"I...I think that we're going the wrong way." She responded. Robin looked up from her questioning face to the hall before them. He too didn't think that this was right. They both didn't know how wrong they were.

"Maybe we should turn back..."

"But what if Michael comes back?" Raven interrupted quickly, nervous. Robin took her cool hand in his warm one and gave it a reassuring squeeze. She looked down at the floor and then backup to his face, looking into his checkered black and white mask. She gave in.

"Fine. I guess that he wouldn't stick around there..." she reasoned. It was really hard to reason though without Intelligence. She sighed and let him pull her back where they had come.

They walked down the arrays of hallways for quite sometime. Finally both of them got tired and they sat down against a wall, trying to come up with a better plan then the one that they originally had started with.

"I got nothing." Raven said to him sourly.

"Same. I actually have no idea what to do no matter how much I hate admitting it." Robin told her truthfully.

"When do you think we'll get out of this mess?" Raven asked him. He looked up to meet her gaze, and wondered as well.

"I have no idea Raven. I really wish I did know." He responded. "And...I'm sorry about earlier...when I kissed you..."

Raven's face reddened when she remembered that. Robin's face did as well and he sighed.

"It's ok Robin...really it's really hard to believe I was able to resist for so long..." Raven blurted out but then covered her mouth suddenly.

Robin's head whipped over to look at her in shock. "What did you say?" he asked her, eyes wide.

"I said it was hard to believe that I was able to resist for so long." She said again and covered her mouth with both of her hands this time.

'What is wrong with me! Where is this...LOVE!' Raven thought and Love suddenly came into her head once again.

'Can I help you deary?' she asked Raven innocently. Raven glared at her. (She's in her mind again ok? She just sort of decided to leave her body where it was and go in her mind for a second and have a chat with the one responsible for her outbursts.)

'Why yes you can help me. What is with you and your obnoxious outbursts!' Raven yelled at her, fuming. Love giggled.

'You're confessing your feelings for him silly. Why else would I be making you say these things?'

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