Chapter 12::Jason

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Sorry this took so long I have been very busy lately. Well are you guys happy that I've finally updated? You should be I think I left that pretty suspenseful back there in that last chapter. So here it is, the machete-throwing fiend is revealed!

Disclaimer: I do not own the Teen Titans or Jason from the "Friday the Thirteenth" movies.

Chapter 12: Jason

Raven gulped as she slowly let go of Robin uncertainly, crawling towards the machete stuck in the wall. The man in the hockey mask did not move, he watched silently on. Finally Raven grabbed the handle of the machete and pulled hard, using all her strength to rip it out from the wall.

It refused to budge.

After a couple more tries and yanking on it she got it out of the wall. She took many deep breaths before handing it to Robin from her shaky hands into his. She slightly nodded in the man's direction and Robin nodded back to her.

He gave out a short cry and shot the machete at the guy in front of Raven and him. It looked like it was about to be lodged right in his heart, but he moved to the side quickly, merely stuck his hand out quickly and caught it on the handle. Raven and Robin gasped before heading in their left of the basement, followed by the freaky maniac.

"Robin, I don't want to keep running!" Raven cried, tears streaming down her cheeks lightly. "I don't want to keep being pursued by freaks that want nothing more then to kill us!"

"I don't either Raven we just have to keep going if we want to survive this." Robin told her, catching her small hand in his own as they continued to run deeper into the darkness.

When they couldn't breath anymore and their lungs were on fire Robin and Raven stopped. They took deep breaths greedily, Raven collapsing on the ground, her head in Robin's lap. He strokes her hair slowly, patting her head and comforting her.

"Everything's going to be ok Raven, everything's going to be ok..." he said to her as he sat her up in his lap and rocked her back and forth. She leaned her head carefully on the left side of his chest where he had not been cut, trying to concentrate on not breaking down into a fit of uncontrollable sobs and to breath.

"I...I don't want to die Robin." Raven said under her breath. Robin closed his eyes and squeezed her tighter. He didn't want that either.

"You won't Raven...I promise." He reassured her as he bent his head down to hers and planted kisses on her cheek gently, which she greatly accepted. All she wanted to do more then anything was to be held in his arms forever and for him to know how she truly felt, and now they were in this mess. And if they couldn't get out, he never would.

"Robin." She uttered the word simply, turning her head so that he kissed the tip of her perfect nose. He grinned slightly.

"Yes Raven?"

She opened her mouth, wanting to poor her feelings out to him, but no words were spoken. Robin stared at her curiously, wondering why when he suddenly perked his hearing up a notch and could hear something strange.

"Jason, Jason, Jason...kill, kill, kill..."

"Raven, are you ok? Did you want to tell me something?" he prodded. She merely nodded her head. "Ok then would you like to tell me now..."

"Jason, Jason, Jason...kill, kill, kill..."

Robin whipped his head around as he peered at the darkness encompassing them. Something kept talking...

Raven opened her mouth once more to talk but was stopped this time when she felt something drip on her forehead. She looked up and the same thing dripped down onto her cheek. Robin's grew wide and Raven's widened with curiosity. She lightly swiped her forefinger across her cheek and brought it up to her eye level to examine.

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