Chapter 23::relazation

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And I'm really sorry this is so short. " But I promise the next chapter should be better... maybe not longer... but better.

Disclaimer: I do not own Raven, Robin or Slade.

Chapter 23: Realization

Robin bit his lip to keep himself from screaming out Raven's name to make her come back. It took every ounce of strength in his body to not run back and take her up in his arms and tell her how he really felt. And it took every amount of his brainpower to not lose his sanity for feeling so shitty about how he had just treated Raven.

'How could I? What if she was telling the truth...' he thought.

'Oh PUH-LEASE,' his bad side kicked in. 'That little whore deserved it. She was totally making out with that Slade guy! If she really loved you, then she wouldn't have done that.'

'Shut up!' his good conscious yelled back. 'Raven was just doing what she thought was right at the time! I mean, did we really want her to be raped by Slade?'

"Whoa time out." Robin cut in. "Let me sit down before you two start into this war." Robin quickly took a seat on the ground and leaned against the wall, thinking about his options and if he had done the right thing.

"Ok Robin...lets think about this in a clear state of mind... push all those jealous, heartbroken and angry thoughts out of your mind and focus just on Raven." He told himself out loud.

'Seriously, she isn't worth your time. She was all over Slade and vice versa. You think she wants you? You've been trying to get some of that all night and she hasn't complied!' 'Bad' Robin roared.

'Yes she did! She was just afraid. So many times she kissed him but she didn't want to like that, at least not yet. Robin, you have to give her a chance I know she was telling the truth!' 'Good' Robin explained. 'Bad' Robin scoffed.

'Think it over Robin.' He continued. 'Think of your conversation with her and tell me why she would possibly lie about something like that and why you were being such an ass.'

Robin sighed and thought back. How HAD their conversation gone? He had been so consumed by anger he hadn't really given a thought to what she had said, only what he had done.

He remembers her telling him about Slade making her do that with him. How if she hadn't that they would both be in grave danger. Robin had to admit Raven did look out for people's best interest, especially her friends' safety. That did sound like something she would do...

'Now look what you're doing, you're making him second guess himself when he knows he's right about Raven and Slade!' 'Bad' Robin yelled at the 'Good' one.

'On the contrary, he WAS wrong. Seriously you are so blind sometimes.'

"Shut up you two I'm trying to think!" Robin yelled at both of them.

Ok... so maybe what Raven had said was true. And how he had treated her...

The look on her face when he had knocked her down totally broke his heart. Wait, no, the look in her eyes. That absolutely killed him.

"She was telling the truth..." Robin whispered. Now it all clicked into place.

Slade wanting to take her. Robin happening to find the control lab. Seeing Raven at the exact same time she was being force to kissed Slade. Robin getting angry. Slade letting her go to get him ticked. It all made sense now.

And he had treated her like crap.

"Robin, you are such an idiot!" he breathed out as he hit his head against the wall.


Robin immediately jumped up. Raven was in trouble and he wasn't with her. How could he be so stupid as to leave her alone to fend for herself?! This was his entire fault! If he didn't make it in time it would be her blood on his hands! Robin shook those horrible thoughts from his mind and quickly took off in the direction he had last left Raven in. She had to be ok. She just had to be.

If only Robin had realized something else...

End Chapter

All right guys. We have yet ANOTHER obstacle. I feel so evil. Haha. Ok well lets recap quickly shall we?

Robin's finally realized with the help from his two idiot sides that Raven was indeed not lying. (Go figure!). And now she's in danger. But what kind of danger? If you guys have any idea that be great to know what you think. Wow I'm so mean to these two in this story. :)


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