Chapter 2:: Love in my head

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"What?" Raven demanded, trying to sound calm as she attempted to keep her cool.

It was the next morning and everyone was at the table in the kitchen eating breakfast just like any other morning in the Tower. After Robin once again stopped Beast Boy and Cyborg's food fight about meat and tofu for breakfast and Raven convinced Starfire that mustard was not the best thing to eat now, but instead to save it for lunch, everything had gone quiet. Then Raven had asked them what movies they were going to watch. Beast Boy told her and that is when Raven had cried out.

"What's the matter Rae? Scared now are we?" Beast Boy asked her mockingly in a teasing voice as he turned one of his arms into an octopus tentacle and wrapped it around her shoulder. Raven turned to the small green boy beside her and glared at him, her amethyst eyes turning blood red. Beast Boy yelped back in fear and let go of Raven quickly as he changed his arm back. Her eyes went back to normal and the kitchen was silent once again.

"So...sure we want to watch a Wicked Scary movie marathon?" Cyborg asked everyone for Raven's sake.

They all nodded their heads yes and Raven sighed in defeat. She knew that she had watched the original before, but the sequels? At least she could control her powers better now. She was sure everything would be fine, but just to make sure she would meditate before.

"Friend Raven, it is okay with you as well?" Starfire questioned her friend in concern. She knew how hard it was for her to keep her emotions inside; especially since that day they had switched bodies. She had defiantly learned a lot about Raven then. She wanted what was best for all of her friends.

"Yes, Star. We can watch the Wicked Scary movies...I'll be fine." She said slowly, unsure of her own words that were coming out of her mouth.

"Yeah, Rae's okay. She's got heroes to protect her." Robin said, winking at her as he grinned. She glared at him but then grinned back before going back to eating her waffles, compliments of Cyborg. Robin could get so cocky sometimes.

'But I like everything about him anyway...whoa! Did I just seriously just think that? No Raven, bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! Bad! BAD!' she scolded herself. Where had that come from?

She quickly shook the thought from her head and finished her waffles and herbal tea. She needed to get to her room to meditate. She seriously needed to know what was going on inside her head and where that thought had come from.

"I'll be in my room meditating if you need me, so don't need me." Raven told them in her trademark monotone voice. She got up out of her chair before anyone could argue with her and picked up her plate and glass. She dropped it into the sink and then headed out the door and into the hallway.

Raven exhaled as soon as she was deep in the halls of the Tower. What was with her? And where had that thought come from?

When Raven finally got to her room, she closed her door quickly and got onto her bed in her lotus position. She then levitated off of it and hovered in the air. She chanted her mantra and went to Nevermore.

Raven dropped from the sky and landed on her feet onto the ground, landing in a kneeling position (Like when she landed on the ground in front Beast Boy and Cyborg in the episode 'Nevermore') as she looked at her surroundings. She stood up and immediately knew this was Happy's territory. She knew this because it was bright; there were pink trees everywhere and flying cupcakes. Suddenly, Happy appeared and ran over to Raven as soon as she saw here.

"Hey girl! What's up?" she asked Raven cheerfully.

"Nothing much. Anyway...has anything weird been going on lately around here?" Raven asked her over excited emotion. Happy nodded and ran like an airplane (Also a scene from 'Nevermore') to the first forbidden door. Raven sighed and reluctantly followed slowly behind.

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