Rhys & Rhysand

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Thousands of questions flew through my mind, but only one word came out.


How are they here. How did they find me. How do we get back. How is my family. How did this happen. How did they catch her. The questions were limitless. From the look on Rhys, I could tell he knew exactly what I meant.

"Don't worry, all will be told. Right now I want to focus on getting all of us home." He looked over to Cassian, "Let's get out of here."

Grabbing my hand, he began to stride towards the door as Cassian lead the which through ahead of us.

We were only a step away for the door when a masculine voice spoke from behind us.


His melodic tone made my heart shudder in my chest, his words more like a silent plea  than a question.

This is not going to end well.

I turned to see a slightly younger looking Rhysand standing in the doorway connecting to the hall, staring at us. 

No. Not at us, at Rhysand.

I glanced up at Rhys, who only glared at the man in the doorway. His jaw was set and his brows where furrowed, clearly assessing the situation. Wrapping his arm around my waist, he pulled me close behind him and spread his wings out wide, blocking me from view.

As I was pressed against his back, I felt his muscles tense.

I balanced on my tippy toes and peered in between his wings and over his shoulder, catching a glimpse of Rhysand stepping out of the doorway and into the lounge.

My Rhys was the one to speak first.

"I hope you have treated her well." He states.

"Oh, I have." Rhysand's lips curve into a feline grin as he casually strode across the room towards us. "Very much, indeed."

Rhys let his magic free slightly, letting darkness pool around our feet, "I will be taking her home now."

"Are you sure about that?"

Rhys discretely pushed me further towards the door, "yes." He said.

"Feyre, may I have a private word with you?"

"No." Rhys snapped while now not so subtly pushing me backwards again.

Wings appeared behind Rhysands and my breath catches as he he spreads them to their full size, causing him to look even taller than his already above average height.

"I am asking her." He growled.

Rhys glanced at me over his shoulder with a questionable look and I feel a tug on our bond.

If you want to, you can. I'm just worrried about what he might do. You are his mate after all, and I know for sure if someone tried taking you away from me that I would split the world in half to get you back. So I have no clue on what he will do.

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