Happily Ever After?

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"Damn, couldn't you of picked a more pleasant way of transporting us?" A voice grumbled as footsteps entered the room.

"You're here, aren't you? So stop complaining." A young feminine voice spat as someone sat down.

"Yeah, but you didn't have to pick the route that involved drowning all of us in that black mud. She is pregnant for cauldron sake, your lucky that the only thing that happened to her was falling unconscious!"

"Oh, shut up, princess. Like you could of done any better."

"If I was able to wield magic like yours, then I damn well could of. You know what, why is it that Rhys and Feyre get the nice and sweet girl while I get stuck with the annoying witch?"

"Because unlike them, your a complete ass-"

"Had anything happened since I left?" The familiar voice of my mate sounded through the room, comforting me in his presence as I heard movement enter.

"You have been away for not even a minute, stop worrying." Cassian said.

The chair squeaked to rest beside my bed as a heavy body dropped into the chair, making a soft thump.


A groan rumbled through my lips as my body tossed, turning over on the bed I laid on. I gasped out loud at the easy moment, springing up and clutching my stomach. My fingers ran along a new thick white scar that ran along the bottom of my stomach. 

"W- Where is my baby?" Tears blurred my vision as I whimpered at my rising panic, rubbing my incredibly flatter belly. 

"Rhys! Where is my baby?" My eyes snapped to him as I saw him sitting on a wooden chair next to my bed, a thin blanket laid loosely over him.


"He is alright, Feyre." Rhys said softly, keeping his distance for some reason.


His only response was a beaming smile before he gently pulled away the blanket from over him, revealing something small cradled in his arms, wrapped up tightly in a grey blanket. I inched closer, holding my breath as he lifted his hand and brushed aside the fabric. A small chubby face came into view. He stirred slightly and his incredibly small fists lifted up and stretched, making the soft fabric move. His scalp had wisps of dark hair coating it, similar to that of his fathers. His eyes blinked open and two large violet eyes stared up at me.

I couldn't hold back the tear that ran down my cheek as he reached out for me.

"Here." Rhys leaned over and gently placed our beautiful baby in my arms. As soon as I felt the light weight of him against my chest, a sob left my lips.

"He is perfect."

"Just like you," Rhys said as he eased his tall frame onto the bed beside me, lifting his arm and placing it over my shoulders as I looked down at the small form in my arms.

"Don't be such a sap." I laughed, lifting my teary eyes to his. A hand reached up and cupped my face, wiping the droplets away as they fell.

"I love you."

I let my face bloom into a golden heartfelt smile as I snuggled closer into his warmth. My body missing his touch after being separated for such a long time. My heart skipped a beat as he sent me back a smile that could make any girl swoon. Movement in my arms tore my gaze down to the little ball of cuteness looking up at us, he let out a small squeak-like baby noise and I laughed, leaning down and rubbing his nose with mine.

"I love you more! Don't I? Your going to push daddy out of the ranks, aren't you?" I cooed.

"He can try."

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