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"Don't fight." I begged, making eye contact with each of them. "Please don't fight."

"Too late for that, Feyre."

Just as the words left his lips, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my head and I collapsed to the ground.

A loud ringing noise echoed through my head as I regained consciousness. The damp smell of earth filled my senses as I clutched at the loose dirt beneath me, dragging my nails deep into the ground in a desperate attempt to relieve the throbbing pain spearing through my skull.

"W- What?" I groaned. My eyes slowly squeezed open to pure darkness, my power emanating a protective cloud around me. 

"Ugh," my fingers passed over a tender spot at the back of my skull, pulling back I felt warm liquid smeared across my fingers, most likely blood.

The ringing in my eyes slowly dissipated as I painfully brought myself up to my feet, only to be replaced by the throbbing pain becoming even more excruciating. The darkness slowly soaked back into me, allowing me to see the open field of the camp through my blurry sight.

Where is everyone?

As if in response, a loud boom rumbled through the mountains and I quietly groaned at the searing ache that ran through my head. Two winged forms soared through the sky at an unimaginable speed, black flames flickering in their wake. One pulled back and struck the other on the jaw, sending them plummeting down only to swoop back up last minute. I caught the eye of the one stable in the air, worry drenching their features as he scanned me up and down.

Feyre, are you alright? Are you okay? Are you hurt? Is the baby safe? Are you-

My mind was attacked with an onslaught of hurried questions through our mental bond, each one filled with agitation.

I couldn't get to you. You were knocked unconscious, I couldn't reach you. I- I couldn't save you-

His words were cut short as the other figure dove towards him, lashing out with dark shards of magic. Rhys held his arms up as he formed a wall of shadows to block the hit. I stared up painfully as I shielded my eyes from the glare of the sun that hung high in between the clouds, dizziness clouded my mind as I struggled to focus on the commotion above me. All I saw was hands clasping around Rhys' throat before a shield of shadows encased them both in a dark tomb.

The field suddenly became deathly quiet as I gazed up at the large shadowed sphere hanging midair high in the sky. Groups of Illyrian soldiers stalked out of the protection of the camp, confusion etched into their expressions as they, too, stared up at their High Lords in curiosity.

"Cassian! Azriel!" I growled out, flipping my hair around in a snap of my neck as I scanned the area. I spotted the three of them a fair distance away. Cassian's arms were pinned behind his back as both the younger Cassian and Azriel stood close behind him, each roughly gripping his wrists pinned in place. 

"Let go, now!" At the authority dripping from my voice, the two both let go and retreated a few steps away. They both new better than to challenge their High Lady, with or without knowing her fully. My glare softened as Cassian regained his footing and limped over towards me, once he reached me he stop at my side.

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