Chapter Seven: Expecting

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Vegeta POV

Vegeta woke next to Goku. He felt sore and his abdomen ached badly. 'Damn... He fucked me hard enough to hurt me.' Goku stirred and eyes flitered open, "morning Vegeta." he murmured, "morning." Vegeta said back then he realized something, "Kakarrot! I'm late for work!" Vegeta tried to get up but collapsed back on the bed. Spasms hit Vegeta's abdomen, "damn kakarrot did you have to fuck me hard last night?" Vegeta groaned, "I-I couldn't help it! and besides... you don't have to work today. I called in for you this morning before you woke." Vegeta sighed in relief, "thank you..." Goku kissed Vegeta and the kiss turned into something els... Goku began to grind on Vegeta making him hard. "K-kakarrot.... it still hurts!" Vegeta whimpered, "I'll go soft this time and also... from now on I'M the dominate one now."Goku purred, "N-no... you-" vegeta was cut off by Goku inserting his cock in Vegeta. 

*time skippy cause me lazy :)*

Both saiyans lay on the bed staring at each other. Also the two finally put on some clothes. Vegeta had some help and of course he was stubborn all the way. "Um... Vegeta you want some pain killers?" Goku asked for the tenth time, "I said no. I don't need those stupid pills to rely on." Vegeta growled, "I'm not gonna stop asking ya know. I'll keep asking 'till you say 'yes'" Goku replied cheekly, "f-i-i-i-i-i-ine!!" Goku smiled and planted a kiss on Vegeta's forehead. Later Goku came back with a glass of water and two pills. Vegeta snatched the pills and water and drank them. "There! Happy?" Vegeta scoffed Goku gave a response no more than a laugh. Suddenly the phone rang. Goku reached over Vegeta and picked up the phone. "Hello?" Chi-Chi's loud voice came over through the phone, "Well it's about damn time you pick the fucking phone! Did you block me?! Answer me now!!"

"yeah I did. I don't need you anymore. I won the case and half the custody rights!"

"I don't care! I want MY house back and you out!"

"well too bad!!! You can't do anything about it!"

"Is that so? Well I have ways Goku! So watch your back!" Goku hunged up his cell and face palmed, "this woman is gonna drive me nuts." He grumbled. Vegeta stared at him worridly, "Kakarrot... Don't worry about that harpy. She's not gonna do a thing." Goku stared at Vegeta for a while then got this weird look on his face. "Why are you looking at me like that?" Vegeta questioned, "uh... I sense an energy.... Inside you." Vegeta flinched looking down to his abdomen. Goku was right there was a small energy inside. 'Shit... How am I suppose to explain to Kakarrot?' Vegeta sighed, "uh... Well.... This may be hard to understand... Mostly because you were raised one Earth and not in our home world. Saiyan males could reproduce due to the lack of females... The majority... I'm expecting... I suppose." Vegeta flushed unable to meet Goku's gaze. "Wait... Uh... How are you gonna give birth since.... Uh.... Um... You know? Since you don't....uh have..." Goku trailed off face beet red. Vegeta chuckled at Goku's innocence. "Well since I don't have THAT organ in me. I will need a cesarean section."
"A what?"
"Or in simpler terms c section."
"Ooooooohhhh... Right. But won't the doctors think it's... Odd?"
"We'll figure something out." Goku smiled and kissed Vegeta.
Face reveal on top. That's me. I know I'm not the best looking but I still love myself. Sorry for not updating either. But I got really really busy. Thank you lovelies!!!!

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