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The next day you and Taehyung became a hot topic at school. You didn't like all the attention you were getting from this lie he has created, haunting you everywhere you went. You needed him to clear things up before this news reaches your mom or hell will break loose.

You were pacing through the school eagerly trying to find Kim Taehyung. Eventually, you found him playing soccer at the school soccer field.

"Kim Taehyung!" You exclaimed as you hurriedly approached him on the football field.

"Hey Taehyung, your girl is here!" They all fluted.

Filled with frustration, you blindly crossed the field while the boys were still playing.

"Watch out!" Taehyung yelled.

Before you noticed the ball, it hit your head and you collapsed onto the floor. Taehyung immediately ran towards you and held you in his arms. Your vision blurred as the last thing you saw was Taehyung's worried face.

You gained consciousness again as he sat you upright. You found yourself still at the soccer field with students standing around you, all worried about you.

"Ahh my head." You groaned while furrowing your brows.

"Do you know who I am?" Taehyung asked you as you shot him a glare.

"A lying jerk." You muttered as he laughed it away. "You better clear things up."

"Damn Tae, did you upset your girl?" Jimin laughed.

"I'm not his girl." You said before pushing Taehyung away from you and stood up. You almost tripped because of the dizziness but Taehyung held your arm.

"I can walk!" You said stubbornly and yanked your arm free.

Taehyung looked down and bit his lip. He noticed that he really upset you and got a lot more serious this time. "There is something I have to confess." He said to the big crowd of students as everyone paid attention. "Haeun doesn't like me. That was a lie and it was wrong of me to do so."

You stopped and turned around in surprise after hearing his words. He looked into your eyes, filled with sincerity.

"... It's me that likes Haeun."

"What in the holy.." You trailed off in confusion.


"What?" Hyunjin exclaimed. "Haeun and Kim Taehyung? Impossible."

"I'm serious, Taehyung just confessed that he likes Haeun." Jimin explained as Hyunjin clenched his fists.

"Who does he think he is." He muttered as he went to look for Taehyung. Just as he had predicted Taehyung was at his locker, just done with playing soccer.

"Hey you!" Hyunjin shouts through the hallways as all the students quickly made room for Hyunjin. He approached Taehyung before standing in front of him.

"Don't push things too far Kim Taehyung," Hyunjin warned. "I know Haeun and she would never fall for someone like you. So stop going after her."

"Who are you to say that? You aren't Haeun are you?" Taehyung said back as a matter of fact.

"You-" He said through gritted teeth.

"Did I hit a nerve? We both know she has no interest in getting into a relationship let alone a relationship with you." Taehyung chuckled as Hyunjin grabbed him by the collar.

"Listen to me very carefully. I am the only one who's good enough for her, not some low-rank student like you." He gives Taehyung a push against the lockers and left.

Taehyung sighed as he rubbed his shoulder from the impact. Just as he turned around he saw you approaching.

"What's with your shoulder?" You asked as you saw him rubbing it.

He shook his head. "It's nothing."

He gave you a reassuring smile.

"I'm sorry for making your homework better than mine." You spoke.

"Never thought I'd hear someone apologizing for that." He said with a slight chuckle.

"I just-" you took a deep breath to find the right words "I have so many responsibilities and I admit, I couldn't keep up with all the schoolwork plus the double amount of homework. So I did something stupid and put you on the spot in front of the class. I'm sorry."

"I mean, when is the attention not on me." He said jokingly making you laugh.

"That's true, the teachers always have something to say to you." You replied. "But actually, I don't think you're that bad."

He looked to the side, trying to hide his happy smile. "You're not that bad either, Haeun."

"Sorry for calling you a jerk." You apologized.

"I'm sorry for kicking the ball against your head." Taehyung said with a laugh as you looked at him in shock.

"No you're not." You laughed as he couldn't suppress his laugh either.

"I mean who would blindly cross the field like you did?" He said in a sarcastic way as you laughed away the joke.

"So you're actually calling me stupid for doing that huh?" You smirked while raising an eyebrow.

"Well.." he said pretending to think as you rolled your eyes. "I could never call the smartest student stupid. I like you too much for that."

Your smile faded after hearing that last sentence. "You..what?" You said softly.

"Taehyung! Come on, you have to take a shower after you played soccer." Seokjin yelled from the boys dressing room, before Taehyung could say anything else.

He gave you a quick smile. "I gotta go."

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