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You sat in class as usual however it didn't feel right. You noticed that Taehyungs seat was empty.

Why didn't he return after changing his clothes. Not only that, but Hyunjin was also absent which was really unusual.

Slight panic started to build up in your body as you wondered why you were being like this. It's not like you still owe Kim Taehyung anything after you decided to make his homework in return. However, after that time in the boy's dressing room your prejudice about Taehyung changed. You'd be lying if you said he didn't make you feel safe at that moment.

"I need to make sure that he's safe too." You thought as you had a bad feeling about this. You knew Hyunjins temper and you knew that he wouldn't let Taehyung alone.

"Sir, can I go to the restroom?" You made up to leave the classroom and went looking for the boys.

"Where could they possibly be?" You groaned as you were searching everywhere around the school. You heard someone groaning in pain as it seemed to come from outside. Looking through the closest window you could see Hyunjin approaching Taehyung.

You ran outside as quickly as you could and immediately stood in front of Taehyung with your arms spread to protect him. Taehyung  smiled at your behavior.

"I can handle this Haeun, don't get in trouble because of me." Taehyung said with a wince.

"H-Haeun." Hyunjin stuttered. "What are you doing here? Aren't you supposed to be in class?"

"I could ask all of you the same thing!" You replied angrily. "Skipping class to beat up a fellow student. Very low of you."

The two boys that were with Hyunjin immediately apologized and quickly went back to class.

You glared at Hyunjin waiting for his explanation and apology.

"Beat someone up? Don't worry Haeun I won't do that to him." Hyunjin said before coming closer to Taehyung. He then puts a hand on his shoulder, giving him a firm squeeze.

"..at least not for today." He whispered in his ear before continuing his way.

You grabbed Hyunjin before he could leave. "Don't get rough-handed with me now." He said and smirked as he turned to you.

"Don't let me see you doing this again." You warned as he lets out a scoff to hide his anger.

"Look, he hit me too okay?" He said as he pointed at his lower lip.

"I don't care about who hits who harder, it's about who threw the first punch and the intention behind it." You said disappointed by his behavior.

"Are you seriously taking his side instead of mine?" Hyunjin scoffed as you didn't reply.

He bit his lip and sighed in annoyance before yanking his arm free.

When he left you checked if Taehyung was hurt anywhere. He had a nose bleed as you clenched your fists.

"I'm fine." He laughed as he tried wiping his nose. "You're being silly."

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