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You plopped down on your bed and smiled from ear to ear. Never in your life you'd expect that your dad would actually help you keep a secret from your mom. "I guess my dad isn't that strict."

You snapped out of your thoughts as someone knocked onto your door. "Come in!" You exclaimed as you adjusted your posture.

It was your dad, he took a seat at the end of your bed as you could see that he was struggling to find the right words to start this conversation.

"Thank you dad." You started, feeling relieved.

"For what?" He asked.

"For not telling mom about.. you know." You replied as he chuckled.

"I won't tell her," he said. "Because it will stop here."

Your smiled faded by his last sentence. "Wait what?"

"Just quit it with that boy and your mom will never hear a thing about it. You know how she will react when she finds out. You may think I'm being cruel now, but your mom will make sure that that boy never takes a step into this school ever again." Your dad reminded as you didn't know what to say. It all felt so unfair.

"You don't understand, I genuinely like him." You tried to explain but he shook his head.

"I know and I can see that, that means he's even more of a distraction. At least until graduation and the scholarship else I'm sending him away from this school."

"Dad what?" You exclaimed. "The scholarship and graduation are coming up soon, so why do I need to break up with him for this short period of time?"

"You have to focus on more important things at this time. This is a matter of your future and I want it to be perfect for you." He said making you scoff in disbelief.

"It's only perfect if he's in it. Dad I-" you stutter. Tears welled up in your eyes as he didn't want to hear it.

"It's for the best because your mom won't be as lenient as I am. Believe me, I'm doing this for you." He said before walking away.

You tried to keep your tears in but failed. You buried your face into your pillow and cried.

"Is there not a single thing in my life that I can have control over?" You thought wiping your tears away.


Next morning

With red eyes you made your way to the bathroom and splashed some cold water onto your face.

"I can't just break his heart for my own personal reasons." You thought looking in the mirror, but shook your head afterwards. "I have to look at the bigger picture, I can't have him send away from the school. I have to tell him."

You arrived at school and saw Taehyung in the hallways, he looks back at you with the most beautiful smile. Your heart broke at the thought of losing that.

"Tae? Can I speak to you for a moment?" You asked as he agreed.

The two of you got to an empty classroom. He could see that something was bothering you. You started pacing up and down, not knowing how to tell him.

"Hey..." he said softly as you stopped your tracks, your back turned to him. "Before you say anything, I was thinking about us. About how grateful I am to have you, it honestly feels like a dream to me."

His words made it even harder for you to find the right words. Overwhelmed by the pressure you tried to stop your tears from rolling over your cheeks. Hoping he wouldn't notice.

"Haeun?" Taehyung asked as he took a step closer. He softly puts his hand on your shoulder and noticed you shaking.

"What's wrong?" Worry was seen on his face. "What happened?" He turned you to face him and hugged you tightly.

You sobbed against his chest as you thought of your father, how cruel he was for telling you to break up with Taehyung. But also the pressure your parents were putting on you ever since you were little. It felt like this was the breaking point and all of your emotions that you kept inside until now.

"Don't scare me Haeun." Taehyung pleaded as you kept crying. "You can tell me anything."

"Anything?" You thought to yourself. "If I tell him I'll break his heart."

"Are you hurt anywhere?" He asked looking at you as you tried to calm yourself down. You shook your head.

"I'm fine I just-" you blinked a few tears away.

"You what?" He furrowed his brows as the curiosity was killing him.

"I'm just stressed that all." You said softly as you tried your best to put up a smile.

"That wasn't a normal reaction for stress." He said worriedly.

"Trust me, I'm fine." You reassured him as you placed a hand on his cheek. "It's just that I'm feeling a lot of pressure now that the scholarship is coming up."

He placed a kiss on your forehead, still a bit unsure of your answer. "If something else is bothering you you can always tell me, okay?"

"I know." You replied as you took a deep breath.

"Just one more day before I tell him."

A/n: Hello my dear readers 🤍 I know it took me a long time for this update. The reason is that I just moved to another city for college and had a lot to do for school. Apologies for the ones waiting for an update, I'll try to find the time to write more (:

Much love, June

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2022 ⏰

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