Chapter fourty three- first food

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August 25th
David's pov
I woke up and dragged myself out of bed to masons room. I picked him up out of his cot before he could cry any louder and wake Liza. I changed his diaper and gave him a bottle, we decided to give him like follow on milk stuff as he is six months so we want him to start eating real food rather than him needing Liza. When I went into our bedroom Liza was still asleep so I sat back on the bed and held mason whilst I scrolled through Twitter. There wasn't really much going on so I went onto Instagram i watched a few stories and liked a few posts before I was bored again. I sat held mason out in front of me and then sat him on my lap. I put a cushion behind his back so he could sit up. He looked at me and smiled as I made silly faces at him. "Ma!" He shouted. "Yeah momas still sleeping" I whispered to him. He is so close to saying 'mama'. He kept shouting which woke Liza up. She sat up and rubbed her eyes. "Morning baby" I said kissing her. "Morning" she replied resting her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head a few times before she sat back up. I handed mason to her and she hugged him. He kind of pulled at her shirt. "Not today buddy, you're gonna get some real food" she told him. " I'm so excited to see him eat real food" she said turning to me. "It's gonna be amazing footage" I laughed. We got out of bed and got dressed for the day. We then went downstairs and I made masons first real breakfast. I only cut him some avocado but I heard it was one of the best foods to use.
David had his camera out as I placed the avocado on masons high chair. He looked at it for a minute confused at what it was. The then reached for it and squished it between his fingers before raising it to his mouth. "Yeah eat it" i said to him. He put some in his mouth and his face was priceless. He looked happy, confused and amazed all at the same time and it was adorable.
He soon got the hang of it and had finished his first food. I picked him up out of his high chair and took him to the bathroom and ran him a bath. I stripped him down to his diaper and let him play on the floor for a while before putting him in his little tub. He absolutely loves bath time. He kicked his legs and splashed his hands in the water.
David came in mid bath and took over so that I could go and get ready for the day. We were going to the memorial park with David's family as it was their last day here. I wore some denim shorts and a t-shirt with my white converse. I did a natural/ everyday makeup look and left my hair down and brushed through my tatty curls. I went back through to the bathroom to see mason all wrapped up in a towel with his head resting on David's shoulder. They looked so cute together. I took mason from David and took him to his nursery. I put all of his various creams and moisturisers on and put a fresh diaper on him before getting him dressed into some little blue patch jeans and a white t-shirt with a gray cardigan and he looked so cute. I took a picture of him which he was smiling so adorably In and posted it on instagram and also sent it to my mom. I then put some socks on him and some tiny shoes which I knew he would pull off in seconds but it was still cute. I have a him a bright toy to play with and he passed it from hand to hand and it kept him satisfied for a while meanwhile I packed the diaper bag for today making sure to add extra clothes and toys. It's such hard work going out with a baby. There is so much stuff you wouldn't even think you need but it's worth it because mason is such a little cutie.
When we were all ready David called his family to make sure they were ready and then we got into the Tesla and went to pick them up.
When we arrived at their hotel, they were waiting outside. David opened the wings of the Tesla and then climbed in, the kids sitting in the very back and his parents sitting next to mason. We drove to the park and we all got out. Sara pushed mason in his pushchair and Toby stood on the front of it so he didn't have to walk. I was talking to Ester and David was talking to his parents.
"Liza can I tell you something?" Ester said with a worried expression on her face. "Of course" I said watching Sara and Toby trying to make mason laugh, which was working. "I'm scared" she said. "Of what?" I asked her concerned. She placed her phone into my hand and I read the messages that were on the screen.
"Ester you need to tell your mom and dad" I told her. She looked at me with her eyes filled with tears. I pulled her into a hug as she sobbed. All the messages said things along the lines of 'your fat and ugly' and 'no one cares about you' and even awful things like 'kill yourself'.
David and his parents looked over,concerned of what was going on. "Can I tell them?" I whispered to Ester. She shook her head and wiper her tears away. "Why?" I asked handing her a tissue from my bag, good lord I'm such a mom. "Because they said don't tell anyone and they won't know if I told you" she said. "You have to tell your mom and dad, I promise you it will go away if you do" I told her. "Would you tell them?" She asked me. "Ester, you need to tell them" I said to her. "I can't" she replied. "You can" I told her. She shook her head. "Hey babe, what going on?" David said walking over to me as Ester broke down into tears again. "Can I tell him" I whispered again to her. She nodded and I showed him the phone. "I'm gonna kick their ass" David said getting defensive over Ester. "No David that's not the way to go about it" i told him. "Well I'm gonna get mom and dad to tell the school to kick their ass" he said. "See Ester, you gotta tell your mom and dad" I said to her. She sighed and nodded as tears still fell down her face. David hugged his little sister before she walked over to her parents. "I didn't know what to do" I said looking up at David. He had his arm around me as we walked. "You told her the right thing" David said. I nodded as we continued walking. "I actually am so annoyed with the person who did that to my little sister" David said. "They are going to be punished" I said. "Not punished enough" he added. Ester came back over. "Did you tell them?" I asked her. She shook her head. "Why?" I asked. "I couldn't" she replied. "Why couldn't you?" David asked. "Because they are so happy and I don't want to make them worry" Ester said. "You need to tell them, it is something to worry about" I told her. "Please tell them for me" she begged. "I'll do it" David said. "She needs to tell them herself" I said. "She can't, I have to protect her she's my sister" he replied. "Fine" I said. He walked over to his parents and Ester showed them the phone. I saw their shocked reactions and Ester burst into tears again. They both hugged her and I'm pretty sure they were saying comforting things. She came back over to me and hugged me. "Thank you Liza." She said wiping away the last few tears in her red cheeks. "Any time Ester" I replied.

For the rest of the day we walked round the park and spent some time together before David's family had to go home.

Okayyyy so I don't even know. This started off as a chapter about mason and turned into being about Ester but there you go

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