HonkMyHorn Chatroom #20

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HOLY CRAP! #1??!! Thank you guys so much!! Anyway, as a celebration here's a KotoUmi chapter!!

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HOLY CRAP! #1??!! Thank you guys so much!! Anyway, as a celebration here's a KotoUmi chapter!!


12.00pm ~ HonkMyHorn Chatroom

Umi: Anyone seen Honoka? I need to give her suck plushie back.

Kotori: Oh, my Umi-chan. :)

Umi: huh?

Kotori: Reread the text you sent.

Umi: Crapp! I meant duck!! I swear!!

Kotori: Yeah, yeah.

Umi: I’m serious.


Kotori: Umi we wont judge you, you know. :)

Kotori: Rin, what?

Rin: Serius Black. Harry Potter, HELLOOOO! Nya!

Kotori: ohhhh.

Hanayo: Rin-chan! We should get back to studying!

Rin: How about we just run away and hide in a cabin until exams are over?! Nya!

Hanayo: We can’t, Rin-chan.

Rin: Well I’m going and I’m not going without Kayo-chin. Nya!

Umi: Rin! Study!


Umi: Rin!

Kotori: We’ll get to them later. Right now I want you to explain this suck plushie Honoka had lent you.

Nozomi: Holy crap! Honoka lent you a suck plushie?

Umi: NO! It was a F**K PLUSHIE!!!

Child setting is on so bad words are censored. Umi, you have been WARNED.

Kotori: So F ck autocorrected to suck?

Nozomi: You know, if you wanted to bang someone you should have told Kotori. Or asked her.

Umi: I swear it was a duck plushie!!!!!

Kotori: You can always just text me.

Nozomi: Oh, my Kotori! Getting so bold!

Honoka: Why are we talking about my duck plushie?

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