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"I'm sorry, Yeol. I really have to go. My grandma...she only has less than a hour to live. I have to go. It's not far from here. I'll walk. No need to drive me.", he said. Should I drive him? No, I think he'll be okay. He's an adult. He can take care of himself. Also I think he needs time now. It's a lot of pressure, hearing his grandma has only less than an hour to live. His grandma practically raised him. She was there when his mom couldn't. She took care of him as if she was his mom. His mom was really busy since his dad left them. So she had no time for her child.

"I love you, Baekhyun. Take care."

"I love you too, Chanyeol. Go home safe."

I hope he'll be okay. He won't be kidnapped or something, right? No, it's unlikely. I shouldn't worry that much. We had a great day and everything will be fine. I should just go home, like he told me.

Who would call me at this time?

"Chanyeol. It's Baekhyun's mom. Where is he? His grandma only has-"

Shit. I knew it. I fucking knew it. I should have driven him. Something happened. Where are you Baek? Where the fuck are you?

30min passed. I searched all streets nearby, but I couldn't find him. Where are you, Baek?

Huh? Oh my god. Is that you, Baek? Is that you laying there? In the middle of the street? I saw someone laying there, full of blood.

Please, god. Let this not be Baekhyun.

Shit. Shit. Shit. It's you. Fuck, let's go. I'm gonna take you to the hospital.

"Chanyeol? What are you doing here? Where's Baekhyun?" It's all my fault. I'm so sorry. I'm so sorry, Baek. I should have driven you. How could I be so reckless? How couldn't I think about these crazy jerks driving as fast as they can at this time? It's my fault, Baek. All my fault. I'm so sorry.

"He had an accident. I've found him on the street. Everywhere was blood. I'm so sorry. It was all my fault. I should have driven him. I'm so sorry.", I explained to his mom and the doctor. I felt tear after tear streaming down my face.

"It's not your fault, Chanyeol. It's okay. Don't cry. It could have happened to everyone. He'll be okay." She hugged me and cried with me. I knew, it was all my fault. I knew it. I'm so sorry.

After 6 hours the doctor came. I stopped crying. Hoping everything was fine. Hoping he's gonna tell us some good news. Hoping Baek was okay.

"Byun Baekhyun was in a dangerous state. It was life threatening. We think a car ran over him. It probably drove really fast. That's why he had so many injuries. Also he has lost a lot of blood." Did he survived? Did he? "We tried to save him through surgery...but he didn't survived it. He has already lost so much blood, that it was impossible to save him. I'm sorry."

No. No. No. This can't be. No. Baekhyun's mom grabbed me on my collar. She cried and cried and repeatedly said why. She broke down to the floor, I tried not to. In the end we were both sitting on the floor, wanting to sink further down.

She was crying. A lot. I cried too. It was my fault. All my fault. It's all my fault. If I just had driven him. I held my knees as close as I could to my body. I was shaking.

We could have lived together.
We could have eaten breakfast together.
We could have gone to college together.
We could have gone home together.
Like you wanted.

I felt so lifeless. My everything was just taken away from me. I got nothing now.

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