#1. When You First Meet

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Steve Rogers/ Captain America:

You were at a coffee shop near your work , waiting for the line to go down. A lot of the employees were asking people to sit or relax until they got what they wanted. You sighed and sat down. While you waited, you saw a very handsome blonde man in one of the booths. He was reading the newspaper and was drinking coffee. The more you looked at him ever once couple of minutes, the more he looked like Captain America. Then, he caught you staring at him. He smiled at you and started to walk towards you. You got really nervous and he then says," Hi. I saw that you were looking at me and i wamted to tell you that you look pretty. ". You blush and say," Thank you but I never caught who you are and your name". He grins and says," im Steve Rogers and whats your name?". You smiled big and said," Wait your Steve as in Captain America?". He smiles again and says," Yes thats me. The one and only. But you still haven't told me your name". You laughed and said," Im Y/N". He nods and grins saying," Beautiful name". You blushed again and tried to hide it. For the next hour or so, you both talked and got to know each other a bit. Before you left to cross the street to your work, you felt a strong grip on your arm. It was Steve. He proceeds to say," Can I see you again sometime soon?". You smiled and nodded. You gave him your number and said," I would love to see you again". You both smiled.

Tony Stark/ Iron Man:

Even though you were finishing up collage, you loved Iron Man. Everything about him just seemed nice and not only that but he was good looking. One day you decided to go to the park and do some drawings for an Art class, while you were drawing, a voice behind you said," That is a beauitful drawing". You jumped for a sec and turned around seeing that it was Tony Stark himself. You smiled and said," Thank you. I trying to become an artist". He smiles and says," Thats Awesome! I think your anazing at your drawings. Not a lot of people appreciate the beauty of drawings amd the artists but I do appreciate them because they worked so hard". Immediately, you were blown away by everything that he said. You proceed to talk to Tony about Art. You then said,"What is your name?". He puts a hand out and says," Im Tony Stark and you are?". You put your hand in his and said," Im Y/N. Its such a pleasure to meet you". He chuckles and says," Well it my pleasure to meet you too". You smiled and continued to talk to him a bit more and then he asks," May I see you again? I have a cocktail party at my penthouse this weekend. Would you like to home?". You smiled and said," Yes that would be fun". You both exchanged numbers and said your goodbyes for now. When he left, you jumped up and down with excitment.

Pietro Maximoff/ Quicksilver:

You went skateboarding for the day to gey some aarons done that you had forgotten to do. When you trying to get to the grocery store, a car got out of control and started heading towards you and the car almost hit you until you felt someone grab you and take you to a nearest park. When you opened your eyes, there was a man with pale blonde hair. At first you thought you were dreaming but it wasn't true. He lifts you up so that way you could sit. He asks,"Are you ok". His accent caught you off gaurd and the first thing you said was,"Oww my stomach hurts". He lifts your shirt a little bit and saw that you had a cut. He quickly grabs the first aid lit and started to fix it. You said," Im Y/N. Whats your name?". He looks into your eyes and says," Im Pietro. Gorgeous name by the way and its a pleasure to meet you. You ok Y/N?". You nodded and said," What happened back there?". He was trying to bandage your cut when he said," There was a car that had gotten out of control and ended up hitting you but it didn't hit you enough to die because I ran and saved your life". You both looked at each and you said," Thank you for saving my life". He winked and said," No problem Y/N". After he bandaged your cut, you two continued to talk and he walked you home safely. Before you got inside your house, Pietro said," When can I see again? I would like to take you out for dinner". You smiled and said," Just call me and we will get together". He smiled and waved goodbye.

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