Ninth reccomendation

15 1 0

That Wyoming love by:_veerose_

Carly decides that California isnt for her and she moves to Wyoming.

It's a great story but is on hold. But what is published is amazing. It's written fantastically. I love me a cowboy book. I definitely recommend this book.


Book: Covered in Ink

Author: nutella_ismyfriend

Now, most of the time Amanda and myself talk about books all the time. She offen tells me what to read. I sometimes even listen. This is one of those times.

Covered in ink, is a great book! A must read! It's sad, romantic, and funny as hell!! I love all the characters. The authors wicked sense of humor really shines in this book. Please! Please! Go read this book.

Love you more

La3y Un1c0rn

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