Eleventh recommendations

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la3yun1c0rn recommendation

Author: ladydianna01

First off a warning, the following review will contain guy/guy action. 

Now that that's out of the way. You will notice that there is no book listed. That was done for a reason. There is no way I could pick only one book from this author. 

Everything she has written I have read, and it was all great. Not only was it a joy to read. I have gone back and read the same book at least once a month for as long as I have been on WP, and still enjoyed them. 

I usually have no problem re-reading books, but after awhile I can't read them any more. I have to take a break from the book. But I can honestly say that every time I pick up one of ladydianna01's I find something funny, sexy hot, or totally romantic. 

They are ALL worth your time. READ all of them there is not a bad one in the bunch.

Love you more

La3y Un1c0rn


Mine is the dear Bailey series by SarahLWhite

It's about Marines and I have read my fair share of military books on wattpad and published. Because I love a man in uniform! These story's are  beautifully written. I've cried and laughed and awhed a lot. It's so refreshing. I've also read other works by her and they're all good if your not into military story's everything else she writes is beautiful.


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2018 ⏰

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