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Hey guys! 

I know I haven't been updated for a long time. I know. 

But, I've been going through end of school testing (what many would call finals or exams), and I have a concussion. 

I can't be on much technology for long. No more than 2 hours a day. 

But, no worries. I am working on a chapter that I started a while back, before all of this happened. 

And, my school goes through this "Young Author's" thing, where you can write something, submit it, and you can you meet an author, and all that. Well, since there was so many in my grade, my English teacher just put names in a hat and drew from the hat. Well, I got picked. 

My story is based on my other story, "The Mysterious Man," but I put a lot more detail in it. But, with my concussion,  I have to put it to the side and relax. MY headaches are getting worse, and I have to go to a local children's hospital, so I can get some tests done. It may be nothing, but it could be something. I know there hasn't been a chapter in a while, but trust me. There will be one out soon. I promise. I can't tell you when it will be out, but I can get a lot done in even 1 hour.

Well, I hope you understand. If you have any questions, feel free to PM me!!! 



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