Plan - 53

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"We need to make a plan, indeed." I said. 

"But how? We don't even know what we're up against, who we're up against. This could - and probably is - already a lost battle." 

"It doesn't have to be. If someone is targeting me and my line, then it has to be someone who has it out for me, someone who wants me dethroned. It shouldn't be that hard to figure out. I have a few thoughts on the possibilities, as it is." 

The witch didn't say anything. She just sat on the side of my bed, head down looking at her palms. 

"It could be my previous Alpha, who I served as Omega since I was little. He'd stop at nothing to destroy me. If it isn't him, then it could be Rose, the werewolf slut who's always after my mate. I don't think it's a possibility for the vampires to be after me, I haven't had to deal with them much. I haven't heard anything from the Coven of Witches, or the School of Sirens." 

"Thank god you haven't had a run in with the Magic-Born. Once you cross their path, they make it their life long goal to make you go insane, paranoid."

"Who are the Magic-Born?" 

"A race cousin to the witches. They're commonly known as elementals. No one knows how they originated, but they control the elements. Earth, fire, wind, and water. Some are more powerful, and have two elements. The ones who are masters of wind and water are called Storm Born. One of the witches from my coven had crossed paths with one or made one angry, somehow. One day she went out into the nearby forest to collect some Willowbark for her sister, but never came back. The winds were out of control that day." She said, fear and melancholy evident in her voice. 

"I've never heard of them." 

"Not many have. Their extremely rare creatures." The witch was obviously shaken, sharing her second-hand experience with the mysterious magic-born race. I steered the conversation back on track. 

"So, what are we going to do? Yes, you have some ideas of who could be behind this. But how are we to know for sure? And if we do know who is behind this scheme, what are we to do about it? None of the authorities are going to let you out of the facility. They will barely let you outside - and for good reason."

"Let's just take things one at a time, before my head erupts." I lifted my hand to my head, massaging my forehead in a feeble attempt to make my headache dissipate. The nurse pulled two white pills out of a pocket of her lab coat, and handed them to me with a glass of water. I downed the two pills in half a second. 

"What's the first step? What are we going to do first?" 

"Hmm. Well, in my perspective, there's no way I can figure out who is behind this or if my hunches are correct if I can't get out of here. I need the authorities to let me go. Maybe if I'm out of this joint, the others here will be safe." The nurse nodded her head. "Do you know who we'd talk to about this matter? Do they have an office in this building? Or is it off-site?" 

"Someone should be here at all times, just in case things go south here. Even though this is the most protected place with the best security, it gets targeted a lot." I nodded my head, thinking. How could I communicate with the higher powers? Would they even listen to me? Or would they brush me off? Would they consider my request? Or laugh in my face at how insignificant my ordeal is? 

"How do we go about this?"

"We could send a message to one of the associates here, see if they could talk to the head honcho here." 

"No, I don't think that would go over very well. It inconveniences the associates, and makes us look like a joke." We sat there, thinking of options and exchanging thoughts. We talked and discussed late into the night. In the middle of our blundering, Sera and Kevin came to my room and curled up next to me, falling fast asleep. Sera was looking quite pale, as was Kevin. "I got it. Maybe we should set up an appointment with them ourselves. Show them we mean business." When the nurse didn't object, it was decided.

"Well then, we're going to walk into their office and demand their attention." 


Hey guys!!! I know it's been quite a long time since I'm published a chapter, but I haven't have a lot of inspiration for this story. It feels like it's going nowhere, and is quite pointless. 

I'm brainstorming ideas for this book, and the next few chapters may be boring, but I'll try to make them interesting. 

Sadly, this book is coming to a close. I'm guessing around 70 chapters will be the end. These last chapters I will make extremely long, and try to incorporate heavy detail. I'm trying to make it my goal to write more often. 

The next chapter might be published next week or late this week. I'm not sure. 

I hope everyone is doing well!!!! 



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