chapter two; "i'm 'orry"

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i really wish you guys enjoy this story (: i have major things planned for this story sksksk

the little lad stood frozen as he stared at the beautiful older looking boy in front of him with a ticked expression on his face. his eyebrows were narrowed as to show his anger towards the small boy who mistakenly had sat in the wrong table.

"s-sorry mr," he stutters nervously playing with the end of his fingers as the elder boy stared him down. harry noticed his eyes were blue. clear blue. they were like the ocean, he thought.

"where's your mum?" he asks, his eyebrows going to the state of neutral as he takes the seat across from him.

"mummy is in the 'oo," harry says quietly noticing the spit up blueberry pancake on the table. he reaches for a napkin, but being too small he ends up dropping the glass of what smelled like apple juice all over the table.

he squeaks as the elder boy jumps up at such mess, taking as much napkins as he can and placing them where the drink had reached.

"sorry, 'orry," he kept repeating over and over again as he tried to clean up the mess he had caused. he hoped his mum would arrive soon to help out.

the boy rushes to the bathroom, bumping into people along the way as he gets papar towels from the restroom. he comes back to harry on the floor in his knees trying to soak up juice with the napkin he held tightly in his hand.

his cheeks were hot, as if they were on fire. he felt embarrassed because not only had he eaten someone else's meal, chewed on it actually, but he had dropped as well the drink! he wished his mummy would have just made him sleep earlier.

he regretted coming to ihop.

"we got it," the boy grumpily says sitting back down in his seat expecting harry to do the same but he stays standing.

"i 'eed to go find my mummy," he rambles dashing to the bathroom to get away. only to be followed by his companion. but harry, being only five and not able to control his tiny feet as much, ends up tripping over his shoelaces sending his little follower to the ground as well.

"uff," he says as huffs as he lands on the ground.

"oops!" harry says back with a little gasp as he takes a look at his friend. he had face planted on the floor, making a red blotchy mark on his cheek and harry felt terrible for bringing him down with him.

"you 'ave red on your," he says motioning to his cheek not able to get the words out. his hand goes directly to his cheek only to wince at the sharp pain.

"louis! what happened?!" suddenly the mother shouts as she comes back from the loo with anne on her tail.

"harry!" anne says lifting his little boy off the ground dusting his pants from the dust covered floors.

harry mumbles an apology as he looks at louis knowing he was probably going to tell on him now. he sighs waiting for his mother's lecture.

"i'm 'orry 'ouis," harry tries after he had explained the pancake, the apple juice and the trip that had caused his cheek to have a pretty pink rug rash.

"i am sincerely sorry about what my son has done, i will pay for your meal if you'd like," anne says putting her hands on his shoulders looking stressed at the situation harry had put her through.

jay, louis' mother, shakes her head.

"no no. it's alright the little fella made a mistake let's not hold him onto it. you understand right louis? he's only four," jay says giving them a warm smile as to say to forget what had occurred.

"no seriously, it's the least i can do. your son has a red mark for crying out loud," anne says taking out her wallet. jay reaches out for her hand pushing them away, "honestly, it's fine. just enjoy your dinner with your son."

harry bites his lip as he stares at louis' cheeks. for a seven year old, louis had round cheeks and straight brown hair. his eyes were blue, something that so deeply captivated him. he looked like he played football (soccer) for his school hence the shirt he wore.

and although, harry knew nothing about love at first sight, he found himself staring completely in lost at louis as their mothers bantered over what they would do to make up for the situation caused by harry himself.

louis didn't hold back either. he was completely mesmerized by harry's green eyes. his plumped little lips that were turned into a frown, his cheeks that still held that pink color. harry looked like a doll per say. a pretty one, louis thought.

"c'mon harry, we are joining jay and louis for dinner," suddenly anne says clapping her hands to get the attention of both children. louis didn't object, he wanted to talk to him more. guess this was his chance.

anne and jay situated themselves into the booth as harry struggled to get on. he sure was tiny for his age, louis thought as he watched harry struggle from his seat. louis having enough of that, going to the conclusion his mum wouldn't help him due to her conversation with his own mother decided to go help him.

he reached for his bum boosting him up, "ey." was all harry says before he found himself situated at the table.

"t-thanks," he mumbles with a slight stutter placing his hands on the table. louis nodded sitting back down reaching for his bitten blueberry pancakes.

anne has brought over, with the help of josh, their own food so harry didn't hesitate to cut off a slice of his own pancake and pass it to louis.

"i'm 'orry for eating your pancake," harry says sincerely as he places the bit he had cut off into louis' plate. he gives him a smile, "ts okay."

louis and harry ate in silence as their mothers chatted the night away. harry's leg bounced up and down at the glances he would get from louis from time to time. he was a nervous wreck, and he didn't even know why. meanwhile, louis ate his food in silence, his mind was filled with thoughts revolving around none other than harry. he loved watching the little lad eat his food up, and he noticed how his feet bounced as well.

they both ate peacefully, from time to time sending each other quick looks. jay beamed as anne told her about her son as a baby. they told each other stories their babies had gone through when they were younger, both had tons to tell but they had so little time in order to tell them.

"we should set up a play date for the children," jay suggests as they exit the ihop diner. louis, who thought he was too old for play dates, didn't say anything. he definitely wanted to talk to harry more.

"totally! i'll call you tomorrow to set something up," anne agrees, the phone numbers already shared between the two half hour ago. harry looks up rubbing his eyes sleepily. he felt full and the fact that he was supposed to be in bed at eight and it was already nine-thirty made him yawn every twenty seconds or so.

"did you walk or drive here?" jay questions as she takes a look at the empty parking lot. the only car visible was her black range rover.

"we walked," anne admits looking down at half-awake harry who struggled to keep his head up. louis walks over to him and with his hands lifts his head up whispering, "it's still not time to sleep."

"oh then we'll drive you home!" jay says not even as a question. anne nods thanking jay for the offer, she really had a rough day today at work and she didn't think she would reach her apartment building with harry by her side.

they got situated inside the car. jay helped harry into the car seat intended for louis' years ago but never got around to taking it out. louis sat in his normal seat besides the seat while anne sat up front with jay. she began the short drive, harry's eyes trying not to give up on him. but as they rode away further from the ihop and closer to their building, harry's vision began to get blurry.

the last thing that registered in his head, "we're home." before he felt his eyes shut for the night.

next update will be next week (: couldn't wait longer to upload this haha . not edited btw , could have mistakes.

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