chapter five; bagels & lollies

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okay so first of all , i have a new cover thanks to Bubblegumhaz honestly I am so in love with it.

you guys should totally and i mean DEFINITELY check out her story , "can i dip?" it is a story i have fallen in love with and you guys will too ❤️ thank you so so much for making this cover for me :)


saturday could not come any quicker for the two. harry had managed to face liam the next day and not discuss or even bring up louis' name at all. it was difficult for him because he had found a specialty in talking about him. it gave him a reason to talk for once but now it was the same usual—only liam talked.

anne was preparing breakfast for harry who had just woken up. making some scrambled eggs, she found herself thinking about harry's confession if you could call it that.

she had thought harry had multiple friends, she even remembered him talking about them a lot the past few months. then again, he only ever asked to go to liam's house. but anne thought it was because they were best friends, who knew harry only counted liam as his only friend.

harry did have fun with louis, she thinks. but he obviously didn't think of him as friends. she sighs too confused at the situation as harry suddenly emerged to the kitchen.

"morning baby," she greets him with a kiss on the forehead. he mumbles a response, still feeling tired as he had stayed up past his normal bedtime to play with his legos once again. he indeed thought of louis as he played as well.

"how was your sleep?" she asks as harry took a seat on his normal chair. harry shrugged, too early in the morning to engage in conversation.

"i made eggs for you," she says placing a plate with scrambled eggs, along with a side of bacon. harry scrunched his nose not feeling like eating eggs today.

"mummy 'an i get 'agel?" he asks pushing the plate in front of him. anne, although she wanted to say yes, shook her head telling him that they had no such thing in the apartment at the moment.

"i don't want eggs," he mumbled with a small frown as he rests his head on his hand. anne sigh, she wanted her bubbly and happy harry not a sad and mopping version of him. he had not been himself since he broke down crying and anne just wanted him back.

"you know what? let's go buy ya bagels," anne smiles. anything to make her baby happy again. harry gets up from the table, glad his mum would buy him bagels because he wanted one ever since he saw liam eat one during lunch on thursday. his friend didn't even thought of sharing though.

he went to his room, stopping briefly to stare at the lego building taunting and even shouting his name in his face. he had not seen him in a week, and despite liam's words, he missed him.

he carefully walked besides it finding his shoes by his bed. putting them on, he walked back out. anne was by the door, her purse and keys in her hand. "ready honey?"

he nodded reaching to grab her hand as they exited the apartment. she locked the door and they head to the elevator. she lets harry press the button, as usual, and await for the elevator. harry's cheek were pinker that usual as the doors opened. an aged woman smiled as they walked in, pinching harry's cheek.

"such a cutie," she says with a baby-ish voice. anne gives her a smile looking at harry to thank the lady for the compliment.

"thank 'ou," he mutters half-heartedly as the doors open. he slips by quickly leaving anne embarrassed, "sorry, he's usually a sweetheart."

she follows behind him exiting the building, surprise to see him stop and wait for her. she had expected him to continue walking but he reached for her hand. harry entwined his finger with her walking together to the nearest grocery store which was a five minute walk.

the walk was silent. and so was the shopping. harry trailed behind her silently watching as anne put a bag of bagel on the trolley as well as cream cheese. he didn't want to tell her that he wanted orange juice because he thought it was enough for her to get the bagel. but that didn't stop him from staring at the juice section.

"stay right here ok? i will be right back," anne says leaving harry for a moment as she went to grab a few boxes of cereal for next week's breakfast. harry continued to look at the selection of juices. there was cranberry, orange, apple, carrot, grape and so much more that his eyes could not read. but he wanted orange juice. just orange juice.

"there's so many right?"

he jumps a bit in surprise at the familiar voice that came from behind him. he slowly turned around with his eyes closed hoping he had imagined the voice. but as he opened his eyes, they adjusted to a very bright blue eyed louis who smiled at him brightly. wow everything about him was brightly. even the clothes he wore.

"you 'cared me!" harry says placing his hands on his chest as an exaggeration. louis chuckles and his eyes adjust on the selection of juices.

"i'm buyin' juice," he says proudly making eye contact with harry's once again. he took out cents from his pocket that made up enough for one drink. harry wished he had enough for his juice.

"you 'ant one? we can share," louis offers. harry gasps, "really?!"

louis nods patting harry's back, "totally! sharing is caring harry." that makes harry blush and lowers his eyes to the floor. louis shakes his head laughing as he reaches for the juice.

"i will be right back."

and so he waited for him too. his mum still had not arrived from her small trip to get cereal because she had started a conversation with jay who coincidentally was also looking at the cereals.

when louis came back, he had the juice in his hand pre-opened and two lollies in his hand. he hands harry one and he stuffs the other in his own mouth.

"it's yummy! thanks lou!" harry exclaims his eyes filled with the happiness they once held as he rushed into louis' arm giving him a hug. louis stood frozen not knowing how to react to the small one's hug.

but what confused him even more was the disappointment that fell upon him when harry pulled away from the hug. but he didn't pay attention to it because harry was telling him about his new lego creation.

he couldn't help smile at the young one's blabber.

sooo? dunno if this was a good chapter or not x but thank you for the cover Bubblegumhaz ❤️

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