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Areum's POV

As the 3 of us entered the room, the man directly went to set the camera for the audition. After setting it, he asked me to sing in front of the camera. Before I sing, he asked me if I wanted to play the guitar or piano, or just pick a ready-made instrumental from their list. I decided to pick a ready-made instrumental from their list.

While scanning the list, a familiar song title caught my eyes. It was NCT U's the 7th sense, and being the fan that I am I picked it^^. So, the scouting representative prepared it and gave me a microphone. I was instructed to stand in front of the camera and sing. I just sang until the 1st chorus.

(a/n) I recommend listening to video above before reading the next part ^^. Just imagine it as Areum's voice, enjoy!

After singing with the instrumental they provided, the representative asked me to sing the song  in acapella. After singing it, he played a random song and asked me to dance. I love dancing, so it went great. As soon as the song came to an end, he gave me a 5-minute break. I walked up to my mom and asked her opinions on how i did.

"You did well Areum-ah. I'm so proud." Her words comforted me and made me more determined to do well.

After 5 minutes the man asked me to stand again in front of the camera, to the camera tests. He asked me to face directly to the camera, after that he asked me to face left, then right. After the camera test was conducted, the audition ended.

The man thanked my mom and I. He said that he'll send it to their casting board and they'll review my audition.

"Please expect a call tomorrow ma'am. Thank you for participating, enjoy your day!" he said.

After that was done, mom and I got back to our hotel and told dad what happened. Few minutes later, the 3 of us decided to just stay in the hotel for this day and do all the shopping for our relatives tomorrow. 

After taking a bath, I opened my kakao and saw that taeyong replied to my text.

areumxx: O M G. 

areumxx: Taeyong i think i saw you with winwin in coex just now.

areumxx: So sad that I didn't had the chance to take a pic w the both of you :(

areumxx: I'm with my mom in xxxxx café.

ty95xx: yeah, I saw you when winwin told me that someone was looking at our direction.

ty95xx: I gtg, have a good day Areum!

-ty95xx is now offline-

Okay, wait. Did taeyong just call me with my name? This is too much fan service, i can't TT

Next day came in a blink, my dad, mom and I took a bath and dressed ourselves in our casual outfits. We are headed to a nearby place to grab breakfast. As we entered the Instagram-worthy restaurant, dad decided to order the meal for us. After asking what our orders are, he proceeded to the counter to make the order. While dad was doing that, mom and I decided to take pictures. Take note that my mom is a photographer, so my pictures all looked so nice. After our picture taking, dad went back to our table and the three of us just talked to each other. While talking for a few minutes, our order came and  we all ate in peace. After eating, mom's phone rang, and as usual she answered it. 

"Hello?" after a few seconds she changed it to loudspeaker.

"Good Morning Ma'am, this is Lee Jinhyo, the Sm Entertainment's scouting representative from yesterday."

"Yes, good morning Mr. Lee."

"I have great news regarding your daughter Areum. Our board loved her from the clips I've shown them. Congratulations! Her audition is a success!  Can you please head to our main building for the details regarding her training schedule. We'll also proceed to the  contract signing after."



Areum's going to be an Sm trainee? please wait for the next to find out what fate has in store for  her!

Also,  the 7th sense cover was silv3rt3ar's cover! Her voice is so soothing TT

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