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Areum's POV

My brain can't fully process what happened yesterday. I am now officially signed under SM Entertainment as an official trainee. My mom decided to sign me under the 2-year contract. I never imagined that I'll be a trainee, and not to mention under the biggest talent agency in Korea right now. This was never a plan of mine, but actually I'm happy because this is one step closer to Taeyong. I know, i know... I sound like a freaky fan girl here, but I have no intention whatsoever to hurt or disturb Taeyong. I just want to see him, the mere idea that I can see him possibly several times inside the building makes me happy.

6:32 am -- I woke up too early, training starts at 8 am. Hmm what should I do to pass time? Well before doing anything I should just shower first. I lost track of time while happily singing in the shower. While singing, my phone vibrated.

"Who could that be?" I mumbled.

I quickly completed all my morning rituals, and went to the desk.

Kakao was on my notifications, so I quickly tapped it and typed my password.

"It's from Taeyong." Hmm? Why would Taeyong send me a message this morning?

ty95xx: Have a nice day, Areum-ssi.

-ty95xx is now offline-

He's now offline T^T Maybe he's on his way to his schedule. What time is it? it's already 7:45 am. I really lost track of time haven't I? T I wore my sneakers and headed to the hotel's door, but before leaving, I make a quick glance of myself in the mirror.

"This outfit should do the trick." I wore a black t-shirt, black sweatpants and white sneakers. I decided to put my hair in a ponytail before I leave. I grabbed my backpack and my phone and left the room.

Well that was fast, it's now 7:50 am and I am currently in front of the sm building. I swiped my I.D. that they gave me yesterday to enter the building. While walking in, I saw a familiar group of boys in front of the main desk. I can't fan girl right now, I gotta rush since I only have 10 minutes to spare before my training. I walked towards the main desk and asked the lady assigned there for my training schedule. She asked for my I.D. and told me to wait for a few minutes. While waiting someone greeted me.

"Annyeong-haseyo, are you a new trainee here?" a boy on my left asked me, his korean was kinda crooked. I turned to his direction and was in shock to find out that it was nct 127's Winwin.

"Ah, n-nae." I said. Ya, areum-ah why are you stuttering?!

"My name's Winwin, and you are?"

"Areum." I said as I bowed 90 degrees.

"Areum, where are you from?" He asked.

"I'm from china." I answered?

"Jinja? I'm from china too!" He said looking very happy.

"So wh-" I was cut off by the front desk lady.

"Areum-ssi, here's your schedule. Good luck on the first day of training~" she said to me with a smile.

"Nae, kamsamnida." I replied respectfully.

I rushed towards the elevator, but remembered that I left Winwin infront of the front desk.

"Winwin-gege, I'm gonna leave now! Zai jian~" I bid him goodbye with a smile.

I rushed to the elevator and pressed 3. This is it, it's my first day of training.

Gotta do well now. Fighting~



Areum's training outfit on the photo above (photo from kapparel) it's a bp rose inspired outfit

Zai jian - good bye

Hi guys sorry i haven't updated for a while. It's areum's first day of training!!

Please support this book. Love ya'll :')

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