AppleBuck Season

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AppleBloom hopped out of bed. She did her exercises to warm up for Apple Bucking. Soon, she went downstairs and had some breakfast. Which was a few Apples. She saw her family going past her, going outside. She quickly finished her Apple and dash outside after them. "Sis! I'm ready for Apple Buckin'!" AppleBloom called.

Applejack looked over she started chuckling a bit when she heard AppleBloom. So did Big MacIntosh. AppleBloom lifted an eyebrow in confusion. Why were they laughing? She stepped forward. "What's so funny?" she asked. Applejack stopped laughing. "Wait, you were serious?" she asked. "Well, duh." she said, waving her hoof in the air for emphasis.

Applejack looked at Big Mac, who shook his head. Applejack sighed sadly. "Well, you see, AppleBloom, Uh, you're, um, you're ..... You're a little, um, you see, what I'm tryin' to say, is, uh, you're a little too...... young. For Apple Buckin', I mean." she said, cringing.

AppleBloom's face fell. "Too young? But.... But I'm a big Pony....." she said, trying her best to contain tears that she knew were going to soon stain her fur. Applejack sighed. "I'm sorry, but you shouldn't but when you're young. You might get terribly hurt." she said.

AppleBloom let loose her tears. 'Its because I don't have my Cutie Mark. I just know that's what it is.' she nodded and turned around, walking toward the barn. When she got inside, she grabbed a piece of paper and a pen. On the Paper, she wrote:

Dear Family,
I have gone to find my destiny. It may take months, even years, but I must do it. If I don't, I may never find out who I'm meant to be. I wish you Good luck with your lives.
                                       Love, Your dear AppleBloom.

She stuck the note in the mail slot, and ran upstairs. She packed a saddlebag, throwing it over her back. Then she snuck out her window to the west orchard. In this direction, the first town that she would encounter would be.... She thought a bit. She wouldn't really get to a town.

In fact, the first place she would get to would be the White Tail Woods. And they were over two hours walk away. AppleBloom tapped her chin. Soon she decided to leave through the east field, which woukd take her to the Ponyville Train station, where she would take a train to Baltimare. She snuck into Granny Smith's room and stole $100. She knew it was a lot, but she might need a lot of money before she could find a job to get more.

She went out the east field, heading toward Ponyville. She tried to stay hidden. Soon, she got to Ponyville Station. She paid for a ticket and got on. She knew that the train route would take all day. First they had to go through the mountain that Canterlot stood on, then they had to take three more hours to get to Baltimare.

She got on the train and sat in a car that had nopony in it. Then she got a book out of her bag, and started reading. Five hours on the train. Good thing she brought fifteen books. She could read one book in two hours, but some she could read in one. She got into a book. It was one that Rainbow Dash had sold to her. Daring Do and the Quest for the Sapphire Statue. She gave it to AppleBloom since she got a first edition.

She also got all the other books in the series. She had brought them all. Too bad she chad filled a whole part if her saddlebag with them. She still had lots of food though. Soon, she fell asleep with Daring Do and the Griffon's Goblet in her hooves.

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