[Chapter 10] Family

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I gazed out the window into the night sky, the sky which I walked upon in my sleep. The sky that I traveled with the Doctor and visited the most amazing places, I went to a world of trampolines, Sekai, even Rome! I still couldn't completely grasp the thought of it being a dream, it just seemed so, real. 

I watched as the stars twinkled in the dark sky, where I could only imagine the Doctor was dancing upon like the stories said and my dreams showed. In the middle of the sky stood the big and glowing moon. It was a full moon tonight, the moon in all its glory.

That's when I saw it.

In my reflection on the window I wasn't wearing my pajamas, no, I was wearing the clothes I had in my dreams, not what I wore to bed on this night. Plus, the key, the TARDIS key was wrapped around my neck. I threw a little fit of happiness at my discovery. I looked around my room for a clue, for something, anything. Just something that would prove the Doctor is real, that those amazing dreams were not in fact dreams, but real. I searched on my dresser, the floor, my bed, for something. I didn't even know what I was looking for. 

But on my nightstand, under a book laid a small piece of paper that read:

"Thought you should spend some time at home for a bit, but don't worry, I'm coming back. Keep an eye out.


"Oh, Doctor you are brilliant. You are so brilliant," I said to myself, a big smile stretching upon my face as I re-read the paper multiple times. 

"And I have legs! Two legs, two feet, ten toes, and no tail." At this I danced around my room a happy dance; rejoicing in the confirmation of the magical life full of impossible things I've found myself in. In these moments I found myself forgetting about all the bad things about my life, nothing was wrong in this moment, but everything was right. 

Multiple times that night, I tried to get myself to fall asleep, but I couldn't. My mind was wide awake and filled with curiosity of all the magic to come, and how lucky I was. Maybe my life has some downfalls, but I was blessed with one of the best things you could possibly be blessed with, the Doctor.

The next few days were nice, but incredibly slow. No aliens, no adventures, just boring, regular life. The nice part being my family, it was nice to see them. They were a bit confused by the affection I was giving them, but it didn't stop me. Being away from them for so long, and thinking that I'd never see them again hurt, so naturally I would be so grateful to have them in front of me.

"What's gotten into you lately? These past two days you've been so helpful and sweet, and  you've been much more social too," my mom asked one day. 

"I'm just grateful to have such amazing people in my life, that's all." My mom was pretty happy with my response, as she pulled me into a big hug that lasted longer than a hug should, but it was nice. Though our hug got interrupted by a familiar sound, a sound that sounded quite like the sound of a car's engine, but not exactly. At this I jumped out of the hug and ran to put on my boots.

"Where are you going?" My mom asked.

"To do, uh, stuff," I said quickly as I exited my house. I didn't really know what to say, in fact what would you say? 

Hey, mom, just gonna jump in a police box and travel through space and time with this man who is 1000 years old.

As if that wouldn't get me sent to an insane asylum or something. Last thing I needed anyway, as my parents already smothered me because of my current condition.

I skipped along the road looking for the TARDIS. It didn't take long for me to see the TARDIS right next to a big oak tree that seperated a house from a playground. I joyfully skipped towards the box and  stood before it in glee. I took a big, happy breath before using the key to open the TARDIS.

"Hello alien boy," I greeted the Doctor as I walked up the ramp to the console.

"Oi, don't you know how to make an entrance," he said grumpily. I simply laughed at him.

"What, no hello?" I tried my best to sound offended, but acting never was my best skill.

"No, you ruined that," he said trying to sound stern with his hands crossed. I pouted my face at him. "Okay, hello Estelle," he pulled me into a small hug.  When we finally let go of the hug he jumped to the console. 

"So, what happened on Sekai?" I asked him, since I seemed to have missed out on a lot.

"Oh, well I exposed who the King really was to the citizens, so they overthrew him. Almost killed him, but I jumped in to stop that. Oh! They have a new King now, nice guy. They actually offered me King, but couldn't do that, oh no. But look, you have legs!"

"I know! No tail. I was pretty excited when I realized," I said as I started to admire my legs, and pose them, showing off. We both shared a small laugh at this.

"Well, where to next? All of time and space." He asked, his face hopeful; but I swear, if you look closely, the universe is reflected in his green eyes. Oh, the Doctor, he's just all the things I never thought were real. He is a man full of impossible things, and it's simply amazing.

"Somewhere awesome."

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