Chapter Four

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It was morning, she could see the sun coming up through the windows. There was music playing. He always had music playing, and she supposed it was in case she screamed. The music was some sucky metal bullshit that she'd never listen to if she had a choice, but her choices were gone at the moment.

His fingernails dug into her hips and he hadn't even untied her legs this time. She was exhausted since she hadn't slept much the night before. She felt like she was swimming in quicksand as he used her body like she was a fuck doll and then collapsed on top of her.

"I'll eat that pussy later baby, just needed a little bump."

The thought of him going down on her revolted her in every sense of the word. But she was forming a plan in her head.

"Can you untie me for that?"


"Can I take a shower first?"


"Please, I need a shower."

"No you don't baby, youre a smoke show already."

She shook her head, "You spuged it on my chest last night,"

He laughed, she just said whatever the fuck she wanted.

"Maybe, if your're good, We'll take one later ."

She turned her head away from him, experimenting with what she could get away with.

"You either take it with me. Or you don't get one. "

She flipped him the bird and still wouldn't turn her head to look at him.

"You're lucky I like the sass and fire."

He liked it, Miranda smiled to herself, this was the way she would get under his skin somehow, or die trying.

Mac knew he had a type. All the women that he had become obsessed with were brunette and petite, very smart.

But she was the first one who out right told him to fuck off regularly. She didn't quake in fear, he knew she was afraid, but she didn't show it. It made his dick jump just to think about it. Total dominance had always been his thing, but this was good too, verbal sparring made his dick hard suprisingly.

"I got somewhere to be," He said as he buckled his pants and reached for a syringe in his back pocket, "So you're getting a little bump too,"

Miranda shook her head, "I won't, I swear I wont try to..."

"Oh but you will..." He jammed the syringe and not her arm and unloaded half of it into her, "I know how you bitches are."

"What was that? Just tell me..."

" Heroin baby," He looked down at her, beautiful and subdued, he wanted her again but he had shit to do, he'd have to wait till later, "Just fuckin enjoy it." He said as he watched her eyes close and she nodded out.

He wiped his face with the back of his hand then jammed the syringe into his own arm and gave himself a hit.

Friday night.

Miranda rubbed her wrist when he let her hands free then raised her arms over her head to get the blood flowing, he had been gone a long time and her body ached from imobility. There were red marks forming on her wrists and ankles even though the cuffs had a lot of slack on them. He had told her that was so he could toss her around the way he wanted to in bed, as usual creeped her out with that explination but she kept quiet.

As she scooted to the side of the bed he stopped her.

"Don't get up too fast. You've been off your feet for a few hours."

She waved him away, stood up and promptly fell on the floor like a rag doll.

"Told ya," He said scooping her up like she was nothing into his lean and strong arms.

"Guess you know from experience."

"Better you don't know the answer to that question."

"Are you going to kill me?"

Of course he was going to kill her. He always killed them.

"Not unless you make me." He answered, "You just be good and it doesn't have to go down that way."
He was lying and she knew it.

"I'll be good." And she was lying too.


There was music again as he led her into the bathroom, R.E.M, Crush with Eyeliner, once upon a time she had liked the song, had even seen R.E.M in concert and now knew she would never like it again. That was one concert shirt that was going in the garbage after she got out of this.

She sat down on the toilet and peed in front of him, that was the way it was now.

Mac pulled her ripped up dress over her head and looked at her for the first time with nothing on and licked his lips, she was sweet and his till Monday. Alarms would go off then because she wasnt at work, he knew she never missed work. They would know immediately something was wrong. She'd be gone by then, down the mine shaft with all the others, never to be seen again.

He had her by the hair as he pushed her to her knees in the shower and Miranda complied, she knew better. She had said she would be good, and she would be, until he fucked something up and she had a chance to run. He couldn't be that good at this, he couldn't anticipate everything, and then she would run.

I am smitten
I'm the real thing (I'm the real thing)
We all invent ourselves
And you know me

"Don't get any ideas cause I will snap that pretty neck," He said as he yanked on her hair for emphasis, it was as if he had read her mind. This thew her off guard every time and made her question how she would ever get over on him. How could he always know what she was thinking.
"No you won't, you want your dick sucked." The smart mouth he seemed to like was as good as anything.
He pulled her face up to look at her, "Then I'll snap your neck after wards."
She didn't doubt him for a second, but she had found out something today, he liked her fire and she had to figure out how to use that against him. Some how she was going to burn him for this, for all of it.

She's a sad tomato
She's three miles of bad road
She's her own invention (She's her own invention)
That gets me in the throat
What can I make myself be?
Life is strange, yeah (Life is strange)
What can I make myself be? (Fake her)
To make her mine?

"Oh Miranda your the fuckin best," He groaned and unloaded down her throat and she looked up at him, men loved that and he was no different. Maybe he had never seen fuck me eyes before, it was possible she supposed. Maybe he had only ever seen fear in a woman's eyes.

There was a game she had to play here so that he didn't know what was going on in her head. Now she lowered herself to her lowest point and flirted with him but she was plotting his death as she sucked him off. She would make him weak for her, she knew how.

I am smitten
I'll do anything (I'll do anything)
A kiss breath turpentine
My crush with eyeliner

He pulled her up and slammed her back against the tiles and held her there as he came down off the third best high in life, Meth and Heroin beat head by a landslide, the facts were just the facts. But getting high while he had her there was out of the question, a bump here and there was fine, but the only one who was gonna be high in this relationship was her. Then he pulled her to him, pushed her against the tiles again trapping her with his body and kissed her dirty and this time she threw herself against him and kissed him back with everything she had inside of her.

I am smitten
I'm the real thing (I'm the real thing)
Won't you be my valentine?
My crush with eyeliner

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