Chapter Two

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She felt his presence before she opened her eyes, and it was an evil feeling, malevolent. Miranda waited for a beat and took a deep breath then turned her head to face whatever fucking mess fate had dealt her now.

Just a few hours ago she was leading her life oblivious to danger and now she was tied to a bed and was likely about to become some assholes lady suit.

"You're awake I see," He said as he leaned a hip against the door jam, he was shirtless with low riding jeans and she knew him, she'd seen him in town, in the park and in the coffee shop she went to. He was a scruffy outsider that she had seen sometimes, and she noticed right away the huge knife he had at his waist. "There's no houses or anyone around for miles so save your voice."

"Please, please," She whimpered as she looked down at herself, she had on a sundress and he had removed her panties, she knew what he meant to do, maybe he had already done it.

"I didn't rape you, not yet," He said as if he could read her mind.

Miranda started to cry and then he was shoving a water bottle to her lips. The water was cool and as thirsty as she was she didn't want to drink it, she wanted to die.

"Drink, you've been out for five hours, I got plans and I need you responsive and alert not fuckin dehydrated."

"I have to pee," She said finally.

"Drink the water first," He replied, "Learn now to do what I say."

"No, fuck you!" She rose up as far as the binds would allow her and spat the water in his face, that enraged him and he stood up and slapped her hard across the face. She tasted blood in her mouth after the blow and it infuriated her.

"You don't want water? Fucking fine, I got something else for you." He raged at her and left the room; it was then that Miranda truly realized the danger she was in. She knew what he had for her and she didn't want it. She had made him angry and he could kill her. She had made a mistake, and in this situation, a mistake could end her life, she wasn't fool enough not to know that already.

While she waited for whatever he had for her, she took a few deep breaths and quelled the anger and fear inside of her, they would do her no good.

If she was cooperative, maybe he wouldn't...maybe he just wanted...

He was back in a minute with a bottle of Jack Daniels and two shot glasses. He slammed them down on the table next to the bed and brought his face close to hers. She turned away, and he grabbed a handful of her hair and pulled her head to his, they were eye to eye and he ran the bottle over her lips.

"Get ready to fall off the wagon Miranda." He leered, "Then I'll take you to pee."


After making her do three shots of Jack in a row with him he finally led her through the dump of a house he was keeping her and in to the bathroom. Miranda looked around as they walked through a living room of sorts and noticed it was still dark outside, there was a kitchen off to one side too. It was a small place, cramped and dark.

He had her by the hair, and when they reached the bathroom door she stood there until he shoved her down onto the toilet.

"Pee," He commanded.

"I can't if you're watching me," She whispered.

"Miranda, fucking pee right now, get used to me watching you," He said, "I'll be watching you do everything."

He had made her drink three shots of Jack in a row and two bottles of water, she was lightheaded, hungry, ready to cry, and half drunk, she was peeing whether he watched her or not. It was a mute point and not one she was going to stake her life on. Miranda sensed the situation she was in, he had been indifferent to her tears earlier, some people were wired that way and it would do her no good to try and get his sympathy. She suspected he lacked the ability to feel sympathy for anyone, there was no mercy for her here.

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