A Chance

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        After he was gone I started going through his stuff. It was wrong, I know, but I had never met anyone like him and I was curious. He didn’t own much; a few shirts and jeans, and a random black tie suit. He did have a lot of weapons though. There were silver and iron knives and different types of handguns. I also found an old leather bound journal full for strange writings and drawing.

            I couldn’t believe the amount of information that was in there; wendigos, changelings, spirits, demons, djinns, everything you could think off and it told of how kill them. This was a guide on how to survive the supernatural world. It must have taken years to collect all this data.

            I’m not sure how long I sat there reading his journal, but soon there was a click in the lock and Dean came in covered in blood.

            “Oh my god are you ok?” I jumped up and ran over to him.

            “Not my blood,” he said. He pause and wiped his mouth. “Well not most of it.”

            “You killed all those vampires by yourself? That’s amazing.”

            He ginned cockily, “Just a normal day.”


            “You hungry? I’m hungry. Lets go grab a bite.”

            “Um… maybe you should clean up first?”

            He looked down at his torn and blood stained clothes. “Yeah I should do that.” He walked to the side of the bed and picked up his journal from were it had been forgotten.

            “Oh, sorry I saw it and became interested.”

            “You just happened to spot it inside my duffle bag?”

            I grinned sheepishly and shrugged. “I’m in a strangers hotel room; I just wanted to know what kind of man you are. Sorry, I didn’t steal anything I swear.”

            He grunted and wiped his brow. “I’m going to take a shower. You… don’t touch anything.”

            “Yes sir.” I mockingly saluted him and sat down cross-legged on the bed where I stayed during the duration of his shower. Sometime during his shower he must have forgotten I was there because he started singing Led Zeppelin's and "Ramble On.” I found it quite hilarious because he was an awful singer but he sounded like he was having so much fun it didn’t matter.

            We ended up eating at a small diner on the out skirts of town called the “Pass Ten.” It was a cute little place with lots of blues and yellows.

            “What can I get for y’all?” asked a petite waitress with a nametag that read Amy.

            “I’ll have the bacon cheese burger heavy on the onions,” Dean said with a confident grin causing her to blush.

            “”I’ll have the same, thank you,” I said sarcastically. She jumped slightly and nodded before taking out menus.

            “I’ll have that right out.”

            “You never did explain why that vamp was after you,” Dean said.

            I pursed my lips and shrugged. “Monsters always find me. I’m always running; can’t stay in one place for long or they find me.”

            “Why?” the waitress set our food down and Dean dug in as if he hadn’t eaten in days.

            I shrugged again and nibbled on a fry.

            “Alright… so what are you going to do now?” He asked after a moment of silence.

            “Move onto the next town I guess.” I looked down. The truth was I didn’t know how much longer I could survive like this. I knew that sooner or later they would catch up to me.

            He sat there and starred at me for a while, his eye pondering. Finally he sighed and said, “I can’t just let you go off on your own like that, not with monsters on your tail. Come on.” He stood and dropped a twenty on the table before heading for the door.

            “Where are we going?” I asked.

            “The bunker, you’ll be safe there.” he opened the car door for me, but I hesitated.

            “Look, I’ll be fine. I’ve survived this long on my own. And I gained a lot from reading your journal. Thank you though.”

            He cocked his head. “Really? Cause you look like hell. There are bags under your eyes and you look as if you haven’t showered in days. When’s the last time you slept in a bed? There are holes in your shirt and…”

            “That doesn’t matter,” I interrupted. “ Like I said I’ll be fine.”

            “I can see your ribs through your shirt. You are not fine so come on.” He grabbed my arm and shoved me into the impala.

            “Hey!” I protested as he slammed my door. “This is kidnapping,” I said when he got in the car.

            He just shot me this bullshit look and started the car.

            “Were are we going?” I asked again.

            “Like I said, a bunker. It is warded against any evil ever created.”


            “Yep. It’s awesome: full kitchen, bedrooms, and the supernatural mother lode. If knowledge is power, then this is the most powerful place on Earth. And no one can track your self phone, so you can make calls to and from with no problem.”

            “Huh.” I had to admit I was impressed. ‘Maybe it is a good idea to go alone,’ I thought. “How far away is it?”

            “Not far. We’ll be there in a couple of hours.”

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