Nightmare, then Warmth

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That night I had a dream that I hadn’t had in some time. It always started the same. I was in a cold, dark room that smelled of sweat and blood. I couldn’t see much, only a few silhouettes of the people who were trapped like me. Someone was sobbing. I wished they would stop. Crying never helped. The chains rattled as I shifted. They were very heavy and very annoying. It was even harder to get comfortable with the shackles on.

“Why are they doing this?” Whimpered the girl who had been crying. No one answered. I didn’t want to. I knew there was no real reason, other then because they wanted to. They enjoyed it. All we could do was wait to die.

But I had never been one for waiting. So I thought I’d give praying a try. I’d never been a real religious person, but my parents were. I figured it couldn’t hurt.

“Please God, if you can here me please, please help up us. We are suffering. I… I don’t know how much longer I can take it. I don’t want to die. Please, if you can here me. Help us.”

“He cant here you honey,” said a shallow voice. “God has left us here to die.”

I longingly looked up at the ceiling. “Yeah but I had to try.”

“Your prayers have been heard.” I jumped and whirled around. Where did that come from? It wasn’t one of the prisoners. “Do you wish for me to save you?”

“Yes!” I cried.

“Do you accept me? Do you permit me to use you?”

“What ever you want just please!”

“Who are you talking to?” asked the same person from earlier.

“Very well.”

Suddenly I was surrounded by a brilliant white light; then it all went black.

When I awoke I was very hot, and I quickly figured out why. Not only was I wrapped up in the thick comforter, but in Dean Winchester’s arms. I sighed and tried to wiggle free but to no avail. His strong arms held me in an iron grip with no sign of letting go. I debated whether or not I should slam my head into his chin, but… it was actually quit comfy. His arms her hard but they felt safe, which is a feeling I hadn’t had in a long time, and I needed it after a dream like that.

So instead of pulling away and waking him, I snuggled down and closed my eyes, letting myself enjoy the warmth.

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