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Dean woke an hour later to find Sam, Kevin, and me researching Dhampirs (half vampire- half human) for a case Sam was following in Ohio.

“This is amazing! I never knew all this information was just sitting here,” I exclaimed.

“Yeah. I’ve been here for months and I’ve just barely scratched the surface,” Kevin said.

“What’cha doing?” Dean asked as we wandered in. he had obviously just gotten up because his shirt was wrinkled and his hair messed up and sticking out in all directions.

“What’s it look like,” Kevin said sarcastically.

“It’s research. For a Dhampir in Ohio.” Sam answered.

“Dhampir? The vamp thing? Thought that was just a myth.”

“Dude is anything a myth?”

“Godzilla,” Dean said confidently causing all of use to laugh. I couldn’t hep but smile at his adorable cockiness.

“Dragons?” I asked, very sure they were a myth.

“No they’re real,” Sam said.


“Yeah and they are nasty. They have this addiction to gold and virgins,” Dean said. He had grabbed himself a plate and was chowing down on eggs and pancakes.

I made a horrified face. Dragons? Seriously what the fuck. I had hoped they weren’t real at least.

“So how do you kill a Dhipiralara-thingy?” Dean said around a large mouthful.

“Sam way as a vampire I guess. It doesn’t really say. They are very rare so there is very little lore on them.” Sam said.

“Hey if all else fails we can just shoot him.” Kevin rolled his eyes at Dean, obviously used to straightforward way of doing things.

“Um…” I said hesitantly, interrupting the brothers. “May I go take a shower? I haven’t had one in… well a while.”

“Yeah sure. It’s down that hall and on the left.” Kevin said. “I’ll show you.”

I followed his down the small hallway to a very large bathroom. There were four showerheads separated by thin steel walls. There were two toilets in the same style and four sinks in front of a very large mirror.

“The hot water can be a little so be careful. Sometimes you turn the knob a millimeter and suddenly you’re standing in lava.”


“No problem. Oh and towels are there.” He pointed to a small steel cabinet then left.

            The water pressure was amazing. It was like standing in a waterfall. I hadn’t felt that good in a long time.

            The shower gave me time to think about everything that had happened. Not just Dean, but Sam and Kevin had welcomed me without any suspicion or hesitation. It was weird, but it didn’t feel that way. It felt comfortable, homey. It was a lot better then my life before.

            I had been on the run for about two years now, running from monsters and evil. You see it had all started after I was rescued from hell.

            There was a low whistle behind me. I jerked around, my hand going to cover my exposed breasts, to see Dean poking his head around the wall of the shower. His eyes raked my naked body, pausing at the scars that wrapped around my waist and up my stomach and back.

            “What the! Get out!” I yelled as I threw a shampoo bottle at him.

            He chuckled and ducked. “Sorry, sorry.” He didn’t sound sorry. “I brought you a change of clothes. There left overs from Charlie, a friend of me and Sam.” He set them next to my towel then stepped into the shower next to mine. He started humming as he showered, Def Leopard this time.

            I should’ve been furious; I know I should’ve. But I wasn’t. I wasn’t even embarrassed or upset that he saw my scars.

            A small smile played on my lips as I glance in Dean’s directions. ‘Idiot.’

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