A Different Look

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I woke with a start when “Dream On” by Aerosmith started blaring from the alarm clock on the nightstand. I rolled over and covered my head with a pillow in a failed attempt to block out the noise.

            “Rise and shine sleeping beautiful!” Dean shouted over the music. I raised my head to glare at him. He was fully dressed in old blue jeans and tan shirt with the sleeves rolled up.

            “What time is it?” I groaned.




            I stared at him in disbelief. “Why?”

            “We need to search the house remember?” He grabbed his duffle bag and began checking his guns.

            With a groan I rolled out of bed. I grabbed some clothes and headed towards the small bathroom. “Give me a couple of minutes,” I said before shutting the door. Once in the safety of the bathroom I collapsed on the toilet seat with my head in my hands. I could not believe I actually slept in Dean’s arms, and it was undoubtedly one of the best nights sleep I had in a long time. I hated to admit it, but something about his warm arms wrapped protectively around me kept the nightmares away.

            I sucked in a deep breath and slapped my cheeks before standing and getting dressed. I didn’t bother to put on much make up, only the basics, and pushed my hair back with a black hair band.

            When I went back into the main room, Dean was nowhere to be found. He was out by the impala digging through the trunk.

            “Hey yourself. That was longer than a few minutes,” he said with a playful smirk.

            “Sue me.”  I got in the passenger seat and crossed my arms. I heard the trunk slam shut before Dean slipping behind the wheel.

 Before he started the car he turned towards me. “You sure you’re ready for this? It’ll be dangerous.”

 I faced him, ready to launch a smartass response but the words caught in my throat. He wasn’t looking at me like a child. His eyes were filled with true concern, but not like the way a parent or big brother would look, but like… a lover. My cheeks flushed and I looked away.

            “I’ll be fine,” I said as confidently as I could. The truth was I was very nervous, but I trusted Dean to watch my back. I knew he would protect me. I looked him in the eyes and smiled. “Ready?”

            He sighed and started the car. “Hope you know what you’re getting into.”

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