Chapter Eleven: "And a Little Exploration"

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A bright light shone through the crack of Capricorn's eyelids. The storm had finished sometime during the night. She yawned and stretched her arms as she got up. Her eyes widened as she shot up, where was she? Her heart began to beat faster as Pisces appeared in the doorway. Suddenly the memories from the previous day filled her head as she let out a long breath she didn't know she had been holding and she flopped back onto the sofa, earning a grunt from Taurus, who had somehow swapped places with Leo and was lying underneath her.

"Wakey wakey, EGGS AND BAKEY!" Pisces shouted, resulted in most of them waking up. Sagittarius woke up with a jolt and Aquarius, who had ended up on top of her, fell with a loud thud onto the carpeted floor.

"I've discovered a kitchen and some food in the cupboards!" Pisces replied as he began to walk out, they stood up slowly and trudged behind him,

"If I don't get some eggs and bacon now, I swear I'm going to stab somebody," Scorpio grumbled and Taurus frowned,

"You have a very dark sense of humor."

They turned a corner. This cabin was huge, and yet, how did it look so small from the outside? They were in the kitchen now. It was average size, the cabinets and counter were a chestnut brown and it was brighter than the rest of the house, or what they had seen of it at least. The group gathered around the island and watched as Leo brightened up considerably and began getting ingredients ready for what seemed to be pancakes.

"Morning!" Taurus greeted cheerily as Capricorn stood next to her. "I feel so much beter now," Scorpio stood to the other side of Capricorn and nodded slightly as a form of greeting.

"I didn't know you could cook," Aries raised an eyebrow as Leo flipped a pancake and it landed perfectly.

"I didn't know you could look that beautiful as soon as you woke up," he winked at her. A collective groan ran through the group, Aries included. They had expected a snarky response, not a flirtatious one,

"I mean it is Leo," Cancer shrugged,

"What?" Pisces asked,

"Didn't somebody say that they had expected a snarky response?" Cancer said,

"No, but I'm pretty sure everyone was thinking it,"

"Yeah, I was probably just talking to myself," he laughed.

• • •

Everyone was gathered around the island, eating the pancakes that Leo had made 'with love'. They all were in separate conversations when there was a knock at the door. "I'll get it!" Gemini jumped up and rushed to the front door, although they had calmed her down the previous night, she had still been jittery the entire morning. Everyone followed her into the living room. The knocking continued. Gemini looked through the peephole. "It's Principal Orion and Phoenix." She said, turning back to the others.

"Well tell them to open it! They're the ones who left us in here, with no handles to open the door, how do they expect us to open the door?" Libra cried. The knocking continued.

"Come in!" Aquarius shouted impatiently. The door opened immediately,

"Took you long enough, we couldn't come in until you said we could," Orion said as he sat professionally on the sofa.

"You locked us in a cabin and now you're being cordial?" Capricorn said sarcastically.

"No, we literally can't, not without your permission at least," Phoenix sighed,

"Oh let me guess, you're a vampire. So where are your fangs?" Scorpio laughed,

"No, we put up a spell around the cabin, nobody can enter unless granted access," Phoenix replies coolly,

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