Chapter Twenty: "An Illusionist's Tricks"

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  They all sat in silence in front of the fireplace. Taurus rocked back and forth, her eyes clouded with unshed tears. Aries paced back and forth, taking deep breaths. Everyone either tried to calm down or cried in silence.

"Let's go back to the fence," Virgo said suddenly. Everyone swiveled their heads to look at him.

"Why?" Leo asked, leaning back on the sofa,

"We just left that man there, what if he knows something, what if he was Ophiuchus!?." He said. They all shot up, in their frenzy to find Capricorn, they had thrown away any logical explanations for the man being there, probably because there hadn't been one. Why would a man have come to the fence claiming to be Capricorn? They all got up and trudged after him. As they reached the fence, Taurus gave out a strangled cry. They ran to see Capricorn staring up at them. Her hand shot to her mouth as she beamed up at them. They all sighed happily,

"Oh my gosh! I thought I was never going to see you guys again!" Scorpio created a hole in the force field to let her through and Taurus helped her over. As she jumped onto the ground she pulled everyone into a tight hug. It took a few seconds before they reacted, they hadn't expected Capricorn to be that, affectionate. Everyone looked confused but they brushed it off, she had gone missing after all. "I was so scared." Taurus patted her back awkwardly as Capricorn beamed around at everyone. "Let's go home." She seemed eager and set off down the path. The others watched her,

"Um Capricorn," Leo called, she spun around, "The cabin's that way," he said, pointing the opposite direction.

"Oh whoops! Silly me," she laughed as she lumbered off in the direction he pointed, followed closely by the rest of the group.

As they reached the cabin Capricorn paused, she tried to go further but was unable to. Virgo turned to see her struggling to walk in. He frowned slightly, "What's wrong?"

"I don't know, I can't go farther."

"Maybe it's that spell Phoenix spoke about?" Gemini suggested. Virgo pointed at her,

"That's possible, but why would it stop Capricorn from coming in?" he inquired,

"Who cares?" Libra butted in, "Just let her in," Virgo looked at her questioningly and she sighed, "Capricorn, you are officially allowed to enter your own house," Capricorn smiled again and took a step forward, relaxing when her foot touched the ground without being repelled.

They crowded into the room and immediately turned to her, Pisces ushered her onto the sofa, "What happened?" Cancer asked as he sat down next to her. She turned to him,


"You snuck out in the middle of the night," He said, "Why?" Capricorn's confused face disappeared and she nodded,

"I honestly don't even know. One minute I was sleeping in my bed, the next I awake outside of the fence. Everything was like a dream," They looked at each other,

"What about the man?" Pisces questioned, Capricorn looked at the inquiring faces,

"What man?"

"There was a man who claimed to be you," Virgo said,

"Well, I had tried to go back to the school to see if I could talk to Orion, but something forced me back." She explained, she's lying, Cancer thought to himself, but didn't say anything, she probably has a reason. "I didn't see any man," They all nodded, another unsettling thought coming to mind, Who was that man? Virgo groaned and hit Scorpio softly upside his head, receiving a death glare in return,

"Why did you make us leave, we should have interrogated him."

"I'm sorry I was thinking of more important things," Scorpio growled back, Virgo raised an eyebrow, Scorpio cleared his throat, "I like to prioritize and not get sidetracked," he threw a pointed look at Leo who raised his hands in a 'what are you talking about' demeanor.

"Oh well," Gemini said, interrupting their glaring match, "Capricorn's safe and right now that is what matters." Everyone nodded and murmured in agreement. They all headed to their rooms, exhausted after the hectic day.

  Virgo sat with his legs dangling in the air when he heard a knock. One single knock. He turned to the door and shrieked, there was a hand sticking through the door. He heard a similar shriek from the other side of the door and the hand retreated quickly. He sprang to the door and threw it open, ready for an intruder. He relaxed when he saw Libra standing there, however, she held her hand and stared at it in horror.

  He threw his head back and laughed at her horrified expression, ignoring the glare thrown at him. He held her shoulder for support and she shrugged it off. "It's fine," he wheezed out between laughs, "It's your power," He stopped laughing to look at her, "Congrats, you've discovered your power: Intangibility, the ability to walk through solid surfaces." He paused, "You should have seen your face," He burst into laughter again and Libra pushed his shoulder playfully,

"Shut up! Plus, did you hear your scream?" she said, hiding her blushing face behind her hair. Capricorn walked in behind them,

"I heard somebody shrieking," she stated plainly, looking around the room, "Is everything alright?"

"Oh yeah," Libra waved her hand dismissively, "I discovered my powers," she smiled broadly. Capricorn gave a disinterested nod,

"Ok well," She closed Virgo's door and locked it, "I just want to show you something." Virgo and Libra looked at her, as she walked towards them, she morphed into a man with raven black hair and seafoam green eyes.

"Oh cool, Capricorn, you can shapeshift!" Virgo said enthusiastically, "Looks like everyone has their powers now!" The man coughed to get their attention,

"Correction. Capricorn could shapeshift. Not anymore," he took a step forward, "I guess it's too bad that I'm not Capricorn." Virgo and Libra exchanged confused glances,

"What are you talking about?"

"You really fell for it, you thought that I was Capricorn." He chuckled darkly, "You are looking at the one person who you have been trying to keep out the entire time, in fact, you invited me into your cozy little home."

"Ophiuchus," Libra breathed. Ophiuchus clapped lazily,

"Bravo dearie. Now, if you don't scream this will make it so much easier." He took a step towards Libra, but Virgo stepped in between holding his hands out in a fighting stance, Libra doing the same.

"You are not going to touch her," he growled,

"Oh, how sweet. What are you going to do? Scream cuss words in multiple languages until I go away? I don't think so." Virgo lunged at him, but Ophiuchus quickly grabbed his arm and pushed him down, pinning Virgo's arm behind his back. Libra cried as she punched him. He took a step backward and held his jaw in surprise, "You can throw a punch," he approved. She tried again but this time Ophiuchus caught her wrist deftly and she froze. She locked eyes with him and she saw them flash with something before he quickly looked away.

  She could feel the energy being sucked out of her as a searing pain shot through her arm. Her veins glowed a prominent gold as it went in the direction of Ophiuchus's grip, she saw the same thing happening to Virgo as Virgo struggled against his tight hold. Libra mustered the energy to let out a piercing scream before collapsing to the ground, unconscious.

  Everyone rushed into the room to find Capricorn sobbing on the ground. She turned to them, her eyes puffy and red. "He took them, both of them. There was a flash and then they were gone," she whispered as Taurus enveloped her in a hug,

"Oh you poor thing," Taurus stood up, the fear evident in her eyes, "what are we going to do?" Aries glanced at the sobbing Capricorn,

"Right now we just have to do anything we can to keep the rest of us safe. If anyone sees any suspicious behavior, tell somebody immediately," she said.

"Spoken like a true adult," Leo sighed, placing his hand over his heart.

"Shut up,"



A/N Oh no, more people are going missing now. Are these zodiacs going to discover who is behind this? Are more people going to be kidnapped? We'll found out, in the next chapter!

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Yours truly,

Zodiac Lover No.1,


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