Chapter Thirteen: "Sparking Fingers"

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  They all wore their clothes over their swimsuits, quickly soaking them, but it didn't matter to them. Taurus was muttering to herself,

"I shouldn't have let Scorpio go instead," she whispered, "He's gone because of me!" Her voice raised an octave and Aquarius placed a hand on her shoulder.

"No, it's my fault. I shouldn't have come up with the stupid idea to try and exceed our boundaries." There was a raw pain in his voice and hate towards himself for causing this pain.

"Guys, don't play the blame game," Libra sniffled, "What has happened has happened." However, they all knew that they would never forgive themselves for this, never forget the moment they realized the two boys wouldn't resurface.

  They began trudging back towards the cabin. Leo wiped his eyes, they were red and swollen. He looked back at the wretched lake and stopped. His eyes widened as he shouted to the others. They all sprinted back as they looked at where he was pointing. As they squinted they saw the silhouette of two heads bobbing in the water.

  Gemini began to bounce excitedly as they drew closer. Soon they were close enough for the group to distinguish Scorpio's facial features. Pisces was draped over his shoulder as Scorpio kept dipping underwater. As he got closer to the shore they all splashed in and picked Pisces up.

  Scorpio struggled ashore as they placed Pisces softly on the sand. Pisces's breathing was shallow and barely there. Just as they were about to get worried, Pisces spluttered up water. He shot up as he desperately gasped for air. They all grouped around him, anxiously patting him on the back.

  From the corner of her eye, Capricorn saw Scorpio stalk away in a hurry. She got up slowly, there were enough people looking after Pisces. She looked back one last time to see them helping a weak Pisces to his feet as they walked back to the cabins. Capricorn hurried after Scorpio's quick pace. "Scorpio!" She cried, receiving no response she attempted again, "Scorpio! Stop!"

  They were in the forest now. She caught up to him and placed a hand on his shoulder. She heard a growl as he turned around and faced her suddenly. He had stopped too suddenly and she crashed into his chest. She felt a blush rise up her cheeks but replaced it with a stern look, "Have your parents never told you not to stand under a tree in a lightning storm?"

"And yet here we are, in the middle of a forest." He replied grumpily,

"Why else do you think I said it?" Capricorn asked in a 'duh' tone. She flinched as a flash of lightning struck nearby. The thunder clapped darkly as she shivered. Her clothes didn't help as they were so wet that you could see through them. She looked and realized that Scorpio's clothes were the same. "Ok, so questions—"

"No." He said as he continued to walk.

"So, main question: WHY ARE WE DOING IN THE WOODS IN THE MIDDLE OF A THUNDERSTORM?" She ignored his reply and continued to speak, her voice rising to a shout abruptly. However, Scorpio wasn't fazed in the least and simply raised an eyebrow.

"Look, I don't want to-"

"NO, you are telling me or we're going back,"

"I need some time to-"

"What's so hard that you can't tell me?" Capricorn snapped,

"I just don't want to-" There was a sudden crack as a flash of lightning struck the tree they were standing under. The large oak began to groan as its roots slowly lost hold of the earth that had been softened by the rain. Scorpio looked around in panic, "Come on, we have to go," He sprinted off. Looking back he saw the tree begin to fall, and Capricorn hadn't moved. "Capricorn!" He cried, she was frozen in fear. The tree fell.

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