American Schooling (Part 4)

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(Slight USUK in this one)

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Alfred clapped in front of the students to gain their attention. They were in the theatre, the teens either on their phones or going over lyrics for their assignments.

"Hey, guys! How we all feeling' today?" he asked, getting the usual responses. "Well, better perk up cause its performance day! Hope you have your songs at the ready." he said happily, pulling out a clipboard with his kids' names on it.

"I got all your name's here, so we're gonna do roll first then get started, alright?" he started calling off names, glancing up to find his brother Canada walk through the large doors.

He waved to him and went back to checking roll, pulling an eraser out of his pocket and chucking it at a pair of boys who were quietly fighting in the third row. "Come on guys, you know I got more, don't make me use em!" he said lightheartedly.

After roll he walked over to Matt, taking a seat by him. "Prepare your stuff while I talk to Mattie, and in a minute we'll start, alright?" he heard sounds of agreement and turned his attention toward his twin.

"What's up man?" he asked casually. The Canadian was about to speak when suddenly his phone went off. The Canadian pulled out and groaned, looking at the caller ID.

"Sorry Al, it's my boss. I'll be right back." he said, answering the device and walking out of the theatre. Alfred smiled at him and pulled out his own phone, flipping it to silent and making sure he had no missed calls.

He felt an eraser bounce off his head and glanced up to see a multitude of students looking at him. "NO PHONES IN CLASS!" they chorused, making him laugh.

"Sorry! Sorry teachers! It won't happen again!" he said, slipping the object into his pocket and walking back towards the front.

"So!" he said, clapping his hands together and rubbing them. "Who's gonna be awesome and go first?" he asked, spreading his hands and waiting for a reply.

When he got none, he dropped his hands. "Come on, guys! I can't go first every time." he said with a smile.

"Well, how are you guys feeling about the class project then?" he asked, setting his hands on his hips. "Ya'll feelin' good about it or is there anything we need to go over?" he asked.

Regionals were coming up, and he was just as excited/nervous as his students were.

There was murmurs around the seats, but no one spoke up. America glanced up at the ceiling and shook his head, smiling at the students.

Outside of the theatre, Matthew talked to his boss quietly. "Of course sir, I think it would be a great idea," he said, nodding as he leaned against some lockers.

He put a hand in his pocket and started to pace outside the theatre, glancing around as he spoke. "That sounds great, sir. If you want, I can get Kumajiki to email you the files." he said, glancing up from his shoes to look down the empty halls.

When he did, though, his eyes widened at the sight of 6 nations briskly walking toward him. England was in front, and once he saw Canada, he picked up the pace.

"Canada!" he called out, causing the nation to panic. The Canadian in question looked to the theatre and panicked further.

He then stuck his head inside. "ALFRED!" he yelled, gaining his brother's attention. The American was next to him in almost an instant, there to quell his panic.

"What, what's wrong Mattie?" he asked, his brow furrowed.

"The G-8 is coming down the hall as we speak!! I- I don't know how they showed up, how did they know to come here--" he said, glancing behind him to find them closer.

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