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(...this was in my drafts, and I thought I'd post it since ppl are still reading this thing for some reason XDDD)

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Alfred sat with his back pressed firmly against the brick wall of the Embassy, his eyes shut as tremors wracked his frame. A harsh,  cold wind blew across his cheeks, but the nation ignored it. He pulled his thick brown bomber jacket closer to his body, bringing his knees up to his chest.

The youngest nation pressed his head against the dark red bricks, a slight pain making its way through his blonde hair. He rubbed his nose on the sleeve of his jacket, knocking Texas askew but unwilling to fix it.

The young man opened his eyes slowly, staring up at the grey, cloudy sky above him. England was always like this, always seemingly on the verge of a storm, but only sometimes letting the moisture trapped in the clouds fall. 

Alfred had always said it was like the man himself, always stormy and grumpy, which almost always got a rise out of the blonde. 

A small smile appeared on Alfred's face, the corner of his mouth quirking up slightly before falling back down. The nation let his gaze drop from the sky to his khaki-covered legs, staring blankly at them. 

He sniffed and swallowed back a sob that threatened to come out of his mouth.  Heroes didn't cry, he- he was a hero, he couldn't-- he shook his head gently, clenching his eyes shut tightly. 

Another gust of wind blew against his skin, and he opened his eyes to stare into it. A buzz against his thigh reminded him of his phone, and he pulled it out to stare at the illuminated screen. A text from Canada-- of course. 

Alfred sighed, looking up at the clouds once more. He steeled his nerves before pulling out the small device and looking at the screen.

MATTIE🍁: You coming back in? I'm getting worried.

YOU: yea just takin in the sights

MATTIE🍁: Alfred you stormed out when things got too heated. Look, I can take notes for you if you really don't want to come back in.

YOU: Im fine mattie

not a big deal

I should be used to it at this point right

just take it with a smile and nod dumbly

MATTIE🍁: Alf...

YOU: No obvs thats what they expect

nobody even followed me

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2020 ⏰

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