Halfway there.

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Abbie's P.O.V.

The bell boys pulled the carts -which held our many bags- into the elevator, we followed them in looking at each other.. we were on the top floor, so we had a long ride, this was another awkward but hilarious situation me and Beth seem to get ourselves into but we loved them because we like telling them to people. It was about 5 minutes of awkward silence and a few coughs when the doors binged open, and we stepped out straight into the living room of our pent house. The room was decorated with bright colours and sharp patterns. There was a lowered square of floor in the middle of the room with a giant flat screen T.V. a rectangular coffee table, which held 2 cups and a pot of tea, and sofas. To the right of the square was a hall way, I guessed it lead to the bath and bedrooms. On the left was a blue door which lead to the kitchen .The walls were decorated with paintings and mirrors, Beth squealed when she saw it and ran around looking at everything... she then disapeared into the hallway and all i could hear then was the sound of her tiny shouts of delight every time she sees something she likes. I gave the bell boys a tip of 5 yen each and they scuttled out the room.. i then walked down the hallway searching for Beth, i found her in the bedroom she had claimed as hers because it looked out onto the street. I agreed-because I didn't want to have to lie there all night and the only thing i could hear was car horns and people, but Beth loved those sounds.. I left the room to settle in a bit. When we'd both had showers and got into pyjamas we settled down in the sofa to watch The Notebook.. we had got to the bit were they are lying on the road when there was a knock on the door. I picked myself up off the sofa and walked over to the doorway, i opened the door to a nervous looking but smiley Louis -who was dressed in a fancy suit- holding a bottle of wine and flowers and a grinning Zayn-who was in a blue onesie- holding a pack of alcho-pops and a bag of popcorn.

''Is er.. Beth here?'' Louis asked a silly question, i nodded toward Beth who was sprawled out on the sofa with a tub of Ben and Jerry's cookie dough balancing on her stomach.. ''Can I?'' he asked pointing in Beth's direction I nodded and let him past me. I turned to Zayn with a smile on my face.

''So, what do you want to do tonight?'' Zayn asked as he placed the drinks in my hand and walked past me into the room pulling open the pack of popcorn. We sat down to watch the rest of The Notebook with our popcorn as Beth Walked out her bedroom hand in hand with Louis, she had gotten changed into a knee length floral dress and black platform heels, she had a blazer on over the top and a clutch bag in her free hand. She waved to me on her way out and said she'd be back late and not to stayup. I told her I wouldn't and lay down on the sofa with my head rested on Zayns lap. He was watching the movie, but I was just looking into his eyes, I like Zayn.. alot.

Beth's P.O.V.

We stepped into the elevator hand in hand and pressed the ''Lobby'' button. I asked Louis where he was taking me but he just tapped the side of his nose and said,

''It's a secret, don't want to wreck the surprise now do we!'' I laughed as he'd said it in a silly voice. We got to the ground floor and the doors slid open to reveal 3 asian men who clambered into the elevator with us, I took a step forward to exit the elevator but Louis didn't budge ''Oh, nah I change my mind I wanna go up again'' He said and hit the ''Roof'' button. I opened my mouth to speak but he just placed his hand around my face and told me to shush. We got out onto the roof and just stood there staring until I heard the noise of a helicopter. It landed in front of us. ''Come on then!'' he pulled me in after him, he greeted the pilot and helped me get fastened in, It all suddenly sunk in, I was in a helicopter with Louis Tomlinson from One Direction he could have any girl. why me.

''Why me!'' I shouted in his ear.. he didn't have to ask me to repeat it. He just shrugged his shoulders.

''Because, your you.'' He put both hands on my face and pulled me close. All I wanted to do was press my lips against his.. but he was lingering almost teasing me, Then he kissed me. The urge to do more came across me.

''Lets go back to the hotel'' I tried hard to tell him without the pilot hearing.. Then i remembered about Abbie and Zayn.. He nodded at me and pulled a headset over his head and told the Pilot something in Japanese. He winked at me. five minutes later we landed on the roof of Louis' hotel I was guessing. we climbed out of the helicopter and I was lead down stairs by Louis. We stopped outside a door, Louis pulled a room key out and let us in. I tried to act casual and pretended to look at the paintings on the walls. I felt his arms rap around me, but tighter than they ever had before. I turned myself to face him and pushed my body into his, then stepped away and took my blazer off.. followed by my dress and so on, until i was in nothing but my platforms and underwear.. I grabbed his tie and pulled him along. We fell backwards onto the bed with Louis on-top of me.. I helped him tug his shirt off and kissed him as he undid his belt.. The thought of what was about to happen.. happening was exhilarating and I didn't even think about protection.

Abbie's P.O.V.

We must of fell to sleep because when i woke up I was in Zayn's arms. I looked up at his face, he was still asleep, T.V. clock read 3:43am.. I snuggled further into his arms and rapped mine around his waist. I realised then I didn't just really like Zayn.. I pushed myself up until my face was next to his, and lent in.. hesitated then went for it. Slowly I kissed him awake. At first he looked shocked but didn't pull away.. and then he did.

''What happens if a car comes?'' He asked, quoting Ally out of the notebook..

''We die'' I smiled and lent in again. We must of fell back to sleep because when i woke up again the alarm clock in my bedroom said it was nearly 12pm.. Wait! why was we in my bedroom.. I then realised we were in my bed.. and Zayn had his arm rested on my waist. My mind went into a state of panic, had we done anything! I pulled the quilt up over my head and then realised that i was still in the pyjamas I had been wearing the night before... But i could of put them back on after, so i then looked over at Zayn.. who was in just his boxers.. Panic again! I couldn't bring my eyes away from his body. Then I felt him stir so I pulled myself from under the covers,but it was too late, he'd seen me peeking at him. He just smirked at me and lent in to kiss me.. I pulled away after a few seconds and rested my forehead on his.

''ha. morning breath'' i whispered.. Zayn got up to go brush his teeth, i followed him Toothbrush in hand. After we'd both had a shower -Not together!- and got dressed, Zayn had brought an outfit just in case we had chosen to go out last night. We had some breakfast and just sat talking.

''I like you.'' Zayn decided to blurt out mid-conversation. I didn't hesitate to tell him the same. I felt my cheeks blush bright scarlet and i looked down at my knees. I feel his hands cupping mine. I looked up qinto his eyes and felt something melt inside.. The last time i was like this with anybody was my last boyfriend and that was a few years ago now, when I was 16. We'd been together since year 7 but then he left. I shook the thought out my head and asked Zayn what time the Jet was ment to be taking off. ''Er.. 5pm I think. I'll text Liam he always knows'' He smiled,pulled his phone out his pocket and tapped a text out to Liam. He replied confirming Zayn's guess. I text Beth asking her where she was. She text back saying;

I slept with i mean at louis's. hahaa, im coming back now k;) Im bringing a taxi with me aswell so make sure your ready tithead.! I i was already ready, the only things i took out my many cases was my Pyjamas and Levi shorts, my favourite John Lennon top and vans (and new underwear obviously) that I'm wearing right now. I pulled my suitcases out my room and Zayn went about getting Beths out her room.. and we stood by the door waiting for the bellboy. He came and we were lead outside to the Minibus where Louis,Harry, Niall, Liam, Paul and Beth were sat waiting for us. We climbed in and sat in the back two seats. He held my hand and kissed my mouth. I was here with him with beth ,surrounded by One Direction and i felt weirdly at home.

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