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Beth's P.O.V

From Abbie Shiels

 Iya, I’m outside…Don’t want to pip, Zayn's asleep in the back. Xox

 Oh god, she's here already... Ugh, she’s never on time and the one time she is I'm late!

 ''LOUIS!'' I shouted him. He was still doing his hair. He takes forever in the bathroom for a man.

 ''You don't want me looking ugly do you eh!'' He cajoled me from upstairs. Goddamn. I ran upstairs and pulled him out the bathroom. ''I'm ready!'' he chortled. I threw his shoes at him and pulled mine on. When we got to the car Zayn was in the front passenger seat rubbing his eyes. Abbie was texting his mum for him. We climbed in the back and did up our seatbelts. We were driving down to London today to view apartments.

 ''Why are we driving? Why can't we take a train? With a bed in it'' Zayn breathed from under his hood. 

 ''Because road trips are fun! We also need to pick Lucy and Niall up from Waterloo. And if we'd take a train how would we have gotten anywhere. And taxis are never fun in our situation.'' Abbie elaborated.

 ''Why can't Paul pick us up from the Train Station?'' He whimpered. Abbie sighed, agitated now.

 ''Because Zayn, he is at the Airport waiting for Charlie and Harry to get back, you do know how many pap’s will be there to greet Harry Styles and his girlfriend off their romantic break.'' She argued. He gave up and tucked his knees under his chin and tried to go to sleep for four hours. Louis wouldn't go to sleep. I curled myself up like Zayn had and attempted it; I closed my eyes and tried to make my mind go blank... But my swelling stomach-being as I was now nearly 4 months pregnant and starting to show- and Music Abbie was playing made sure I stayed awake. Two hours into the car ride Zayn woke up and said he was hungry, so we stopped at the services. Abbie ran in with her hood up- ever since we announced our relationships people have recognized us everywhere, we went to Tesco the other day and a girl asked for pictures with us- and came back with 4 chicken wraps, 4 packs of crisps, a bottled milkshake for Lou, a red bull for Zayn and Dr. peppers for us. We finally pulled in at Waterloo station there was already a crowd of screaming fans outside. We watched as they all moved in a step and Niall and Lucy surrounded by security came bursting out. The engine started and as soon as they got in we zoomed off. It was kind of crowded being as this car is only meant to fit 5. But I didn't mind squeezing up next to Lou.

 Abbie's P.O.V

All the apartments were gorgeous but this was the one. It had all the exposed brick, and looked so unique. We all agreed as soon as we walked in.

''Well luckily, the owner wants to get rid a.s.a.p.!'' The housing agent beamed as she wrote down notes. Beth looked worried.

''Is, err there a certain reason the owner would like to 'Get rid’?'' She asked cautiously. The agent laughed.

''Don't worry it’s not haunted. They just need an apartment that's a bit closer to the city. Due to work arrangements'' She told us. I heard Beth breathe out in relief. ''So, when would you like to sign?'' she asked.

''As soon as possible'' Louis answered for us all. So that was it, a few signatures and Checks later we all lived together. It took us about 2 weeks of boxing up books, clothes, T.V's and memories but it was worth it. Life was a lot easier, but there was the small problem. That problem was Money. So after we'd unpacked our things and decorated the apartment the way we wanted. Me, Beth and Lucy set off to find a part-time job in London. I had been living on Campus at Oxford for 4 months before we went to Australia, and Beth had been studying at Nottingham Uni, but only because she wanted or needed to be close to her mum, she's never been able to leave her for too long. Before going on Holiday with me, she'd never been away from her mum for longer than a month. So living in London was a hard step for Beth but all she had to do was look at Louis and she'd decided. Lucy had left School when her parents passed. So all she was qualified in was Dancing and waitressing, but she was an amazing writer. When she was 15 she published a short story in a book along with like 20 others. I only needed a part-time job, due to Uni, the same with Beth... She'd been accepted to an Art and Design college in London called Attainders so she'd be attending there. But Lucy was halfway through writing a novel, kind of based on her life. It's pretty much a biography but she doesn't want to admit it, she doesn't class herself as a famous person. She can’t accept that every Directioner in the world knows her Name. But she'd decided to try and get a job full time. Niall didn't like it at all. They were having a rather loud 'discussion' about it one of the first nights we had lived in the apartment.

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