The Woodland Kingdom

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Once upon a time there was a young elf called Zilianna, she was head of the eastern woodland hunters. She was madly in love with the woodland prince Theodas, next in line for the throne.

Theodas also shared such feelings for Zilianna although the secret relationship was always being interrupted by the chaotic evil dwarf Thrommor, who was constantly injuring Theodas in battle.

Theodas was constantly having to protect his kingdom beside his fellow elves because Thrommor an evil dwarf, sought to take over the mighty Woodland Kingdom and its vast lands and resources.

Although it deeply concerned the enchantress Zilianna, she did enjoy looking after Theodas after they had battled against the almighty forces of Thrommor the fire dwarf!

After a particularly fierce battle,Theodas was dangerously close to death's door. Zilianna was able to heal him however he could not fight for a month . Time he did not have as Thrommor was getting more and more powerful. He had built an army with the help of the evil army general Skadgrith who commanded the forces that marched behind Thrommor as he attempted to burn down the woodland forest.

Skadgrith was a loud obnoxious dwarf from the towering mountains of Okubi with the power to bring down a thousand orcs with his pointed blade, whereas Thrommor was a common ditch dwarf who had risen above the rest with his unfathomable powers of pyromancy.

On the first morning of the moon ceremony which the elves held every year.Thrommor prepared his army for battle...

Cloaked in armor black as night Thrommor rode at the head of his armies through the already charred branches of the forest he so wanted to claim as his own.. As the sun began to rise and the stars began to fade from the hot touch of mornings light, the troops stormed through the forest burning trees as they went.

Thrommor used his magic to create an all powerful flame wave flattening gigantic swathes of land. And as the unknowledgeable wood elves ate and partied, the army marched on.

There was a clash of branches and smoke coming from the horizon and as the kingdom looked upon the forest they called home, they saw a great danger rearing toward them.

The king sounded the alarm alerting the south and east armies and causing an interruption in Theodas and Zilianna's intense flirting session. They pulled on their armor and ran to the front gates.

As they rode out they looked each other deep in the eyes and paused a moment to realize the passion burning inside each others heart. As their horses began to move forward they reached out clutching each others hands as their eyes met and slowly brought their faces closer gently brushing each others lips with their own. Then they reared their horses and rode into battle!

The passion that was burning inside them made them ride faster than ever suddenly jumping off the backs of their horses and staring Thrommor the fire dwarf directly in the eyes!

"You need to stop burning this forest Thrommor, it is our home and although you might want our kingdom you'll have to go through me to get it!" Zilianna said with a fearsome voice.

"Get out of my way elf! If you really think that you can convince me to change my mind then your more stupid than I thought." Thrommor shot.

"How dare you speak to her like that!" Theodas growled with anger.

"Ok you really think i care, your just in my way, now I demand that you step aside or else I will destroy you along side your kingdom."Thrommor spat threw clenched teeth.

"Wait Thrommor please I believe that we can re-" Zilianna began before being abruptly cut off.

"BURN THEM ALL" Skadgrith cried in rage..

"Skadgrith! Back off this is my fight. You have no part in this. You have done your job well but I no longer need you, so get out of my way or I will throw you to the ground like these lowly elf scums!"Thrommor drew his sword.

"But you don't know the way through this forest. You need my guidance to succeed!" Skadgrith huffed in rage.

Thrommor let out a long annoyed sigh. "Skadgrith I warned you. Do you want me to kill you!?"

"You would never! You know that in the end you will truly need me!" Skadgrith was beginning to get frantic now for he new Thrommor to make irrational decision at times and this seemed to be leading to such.

Thrommor swung his sword and in one swift motion he rendered Skadgrith in two.

"H-he was your ally.." Zilianna stammered unable to make sense of what had just happened.

"He was no longer of any use to me. Now get out of my way or you'll end up in the same state as he did."Thrommor growled threateningly taking a step toward the elves.

"Thrommor! Please! We don't want trouble we just want to keep our forest!! We will leave you alone if you will leave us alone! Please can we have a peaceful resolve!!"Zilianna pleaded.

"No."Thrommor announced taking another step forward.

Theodas drew his sword readying himself for what might come next.

"Fine, but you asked for it"Zilianna huffed drawing her sword.

Theodas moved back in a stance that showed his fearsome fighting position and Zilianna followed. They ran towards Thrommor throwing their wait into a combined attack and just as their swords came down on him he conjured a wall of flames blocking their path.

"Sigh, Easy..."Thrommor raised his blade high into the air.

Zilianna threw the water from her canteen across the flame wall causing enough smoke to distract Thrommor long enough for her to jump through the gaps in his wall and strike him with her bright sword!Theodas followed her attack jumping through the wall but catching the flames as he went burning his already heated skin. He cried out in pain causing Zilianna to lose concentration and turn to grab him,Theodas swung his sword above his head stopping Thrommor's sharp blade from piercing Zilianna's delicate skin.

Zilianna leapt from Theodas's side swing her blade past Thrommor leaving him open. Theodas threw a handful of small sharp blades at Thrommor striking him. Suddenly the flame wall dropped.

Thrommor ripped the small knifes out of is chest and melted them in his hand. As he went to retaliate with an attack the sound of a horn echoed towards them.Thrommor turned to see reinforcements riding their way. Admitting defeat he used one final pulse of magic to send waives of fire across the forest catching the trees and land in a net of flames.

Thrommor used the fiery madness to escape and although he manged to run, the rest of his army, choking on the bitter smoke around them moved forward to find themselves surrounded by the southern and eastern army and Thrommor, he was no wear to be seen.

Theodas and Zilianna turn around and go home having won a battle that could've cost them their lives.

Later that evening once they were both clean and healed the sat on Zilianna's bed looking deep into each others eyes, and Theodas edged closer to her wrapping his strong arms around her small warm body. They stayed there just hugging for what seemed like hours until they finally stood up and returned to the party, not only as the prince and his true love, but hero's who had saved the kingdom from despair.

As for Thrommor... He was never seen again...

~ The End ~

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