Chapter 12

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Cairo - Day

Finally out of the desert everyone that was left made it out alive, all went to the nearest place to stay where they took a chance to clean themselves and refresh a little after the last night events.

Sophie was getting out of the shower finally happy when she took out all the sand that she had in her hair, when suddenly Rick open the room's front door and pulled a suitcase into a table and started to filled it with all Sophie's belongings.

"What are you doing?" said Sophie as he went into her closet and pull out some clothes.

"We are getting out of here!" he explained to her.

"No we are not!" Sophie denied.

"I thought you said you did not believe in fairy tales and hokums stuff," he asked her as he throw some clothes into the suitcase.

"I did not say that! that was Evelyn if you remember correctly, either way if I believed the same things she did and having encounter a 3000 year old walking and talking mummy tends to invert someones thinking," Sophie replied and took the clothes he had put in the suitcase and put them back in the closet.

"Well forget it, we are out that door, were are down the hall, and we are gone!" said Rick and put more clothes into the suitcase.

"Oh no! We are not," she said and took all the clothes out of the suitcase again.

"Oh yes we are!" said Rick and took some books but Sophie took them out of his hands before he could put them away and said, "We are not! We woke him up and we are going to stop him!"

"We? What we? We did not read that book, I told you not to play around that thing, did I not tell you not to play with that thing!?" he said and took more books to put away.

"Yes well... it was Me! Me me me me, I woke him up and I intend to stop him," she replied and took the books Rick again put in the suitcase.

"Oh yeah? How?" he ask leaving what he was doing and looked at her and continue saying, "You heard the man, not mortal weapons can kill this guy!"

"Well we just have to find some immortal ones," she said and took away her writing machine before he could put it away.

"There goes that WE again," he said and put his hands on edge of the suitcase.

"Will you just listen to me? We have to do something!" Sophie said and without noticing she close the suitcase smashing it into Rick's fingers.

Rick let out a yelp of pain and took his fingers out of the suitcase and check for broken fingers.

"Once this creature is being reborn his curse it's going to spread until the whole world is destroyed," she continue saying and followed him as he was still in pain.

"Yeah! And is that my problem?" he asked ironically.

"Well it is everybody's problem!" She replied and now Rick was following her around the room until each of them was in front of each other with the suitcase in the middle.

"Sophie I appreciate you saving my life and all, but when I sign on we agreed to take you out there and to bring you back and I have done that. End of job, end of story, contract terminated," he said to her on a harsh tone not realizing how much those words had hurt Sophie.

Containing her tears back with a calm voice she said to him, "That's all I am to you? A contract?"

"Look either you can tag along with me or you can stay here and try to save the world," he said again not noticing the look of hurt Sophie had in her eyes.

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