Part 5

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~ Y/N POV~

On the way back to the dorms I found Wonwoo staring at me. When I caught him we immediately made eye contact. Me being me I had to wink at him. Him being him he winked back. Us being us we had a winking contest, of course chan was super confused at the end when Wonwoo won the contest. "What the heck are you too doing" Dino said laughing. "It's none of your business Dinooo" Wonwoo said to him sounding like a little kid. They went back and forth sticking their tongues out at each other. I laughed at them when I felt Wonwoo grabbing me by the waist. "What are you laughing about, huh!" He said laughing as he swings me around. "Ahhh Wonuuuu let me down pleaseee!!" I said in between laughs. After a minute he let me down, then I realized that we were outside of the dorms. I gave Wonwoo a smile as a thanks them looked at Dino who just looked excited to watch the movie and eat his snacks.
As we walked inside the dorm, I saw how all the guys eyes lit up at the sight of all the snacks. "Were back!" I said before the silence continued. "YAY FINALLY!!" "I'm so excited!" "We picked out some good movies" "we picked three different ones just in case" I heard everyone speaking. A smile crept onto my face at the thought of being able to spend time with such great people for a while. Me and The8 haven't decided how long I was going to stay. I suggested I stayed for a week and a half, jun said 3 weeks, Ming said a whole month. So I guess we'll see when the time comes. "If you guys are going to change into something more comfortable, then go now before the movie starts!" I heard Joshua say. Then me wonu and Dino went into our rooms to change... but Wonwoo stayed outside while I changed first. After we all changed we sat down. Some on the couch and some on the floor. The people on the couch were Hoshi,Seunkwan,Dokyeom,Dino and Vernon. Everyone else was in the floor wrapped up in blankets. I saw The8 getting up to bring all the snacks to the guys so I went to go help them. "Hey" I said with a sweet smile on my face. "Hey, hows it going?" He said smiling as well. "Everything's good... I want to spend more time with you though. I mean that is the reason I came." I said laughing. "Do you want to do something tomorrow. I'm free so we could go to the mall or something." "Yesss let's do that!" I said as we walked to the living room with all the snacks. The way we were sitting is, Vernon, Seungkwan, Hoshi, Dokyeom, Dino on the couch in that same order. Then on the ground was Scoups, Jeonghan, Jun, Joshua, Mingyu, Wonwoo, The8, Me then Woozi. As the movie started the snacks were being passed around. At the end of the movie we were all asleep except for Me, Wonwoo, The8 and Scoups. It was only 9 when we all decided to take a walk outside. I was wearing my short gym shorts from the night before and my red hoodie. Wonwoo was wearing grey sweats and a white t-shirt. The8 was wearing the same thing as Wonwoo but with black sweats. And Scoups was wearing basically the same thing as me but long gym shorts and a white hoodie. We were walking to the closest park. When we got to the park we all sat down on the benches when I get a call. I look at the user and see 'mom💗' on my screen. "Hey mom, why are you calling this late?" "Hey honey... I just had to check on you and Minghao, how are you guys doing?" A distanced myself from the phone a bit to call Ming over. "Hey!! It's been a while, but if your wondering me and y/n are doing great. She is getting along well with the rest of the boys and she is in good hands." Ming says into the phone when he took it from me. "Oh my! Minghao you sound so grown! I hope you guys have fun and please take good care of her!" "We will, don't worry!" "Okay then, thank you and goodnight I miss you guys!" And just like that she hung up. "She didn't even say bye to me" I say with frown on my face. My best friend being the guy he started laughing at me and saying that my mom likes him more then she likes me and stuff like that, but I believe it so I started laughing with him. By the time we got back to the benches where the other guys were, we were still laughing. "What's so funny?" I heard Wonwoo ask. "Oh noth-" i said before I got cut off. "Her mom loves me more than she lover herrr!" The8 said laughing. I gave him a good smack in the arm which caused him to wince in pain. Then I started laughing at him. Then he pushed me a bit. Then I pushed him a bit. Then we started laughing. Then that cause the two other boys to laugh. Then we started doing stupid stuff like running around,screaming at each other(in a playful way), singing really loudly. In the end we got kicked out of the park cause we were being to loud. It was okay though cause it was getting pretty late.

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