❥ cosplay 『s. e. p. mare』

353 13 5

Requested by: AntoniaMoon0

On one fine morning, Ruze has invited Narek, Vino, and Ani to come to his kingdom and he shall show them around. He say he did that to deepen their bonds, and please don't leave out the 'or so what the prime minister said' part.

And so, even though Mare refused to go at first, he remembered that he wanted to buy some fabrics for Kyuaran's clothes and might as well merchandise of that Mahou Shoujo as well.

"Anything can be solve with magic!"
I shout those lines while doing some pose to the people who came to this shopping district.

"Wow! It's Kyuaran!"
Some little girls came up to me and adoring this cosplay of mine.

"Kyuaran, you're so cool! I wish I can be a magical girl as cool as you!"
A little girl around 4 came up to me closer and looking at me with glittering eyes which I found very cute.

"Me too!"
Some other girls also excitedly exclaim with a big smile on their faces.

I smile warmly at them and pat one of the girl's head.

"Little miss, I'm sure you can. Do you want to know one secret? A true magical girl actually doesn't need any powerful magic or anything. All they need is just bravery and self-confidence. I'm sure you'll be more amazing than me if you have those."
Gently, I place a flower petal on her right ear. Her eyes seems to glitter more and more after what I said and she nods vigorously.

"Bye bye, Kyuaran!"
The last girl waves at me as she and her mother go back their ways.

I wave back with a smile on my face. As soon as they are out of sight, I take out my pocketwatch and look at the time. My work here will be done in another hour. I heave a sigh as I remember back why I did this in the first place.

Apparently, one of my friend who's working this....cosplayer job was down with a fever and she asked me to cover for her.

As I was promoting some Kyuaran's merchandise, I noticed someone's gaze on me. I turn around to see a tall, skinny man with messy and curly purple hair staring at me.

My shoulder jolted. He's staring at me so intently, I might as well call it glaring.
"This is why I don't want to do this cosplayer job....Who knows what kind of creep would approach me urghh..."
I silently groan to myself and ignore the stare the man was giving.

I could feel my heart leaping out of my chest when I heard a man's voice behind me. I internally pray to Saint Philia that nothing bad happens to me.

I slowly turn around and there I see the same man who was staring at me standing near the merchandise table.

My shoulder relaxed when I see him focusing so much on the merch. Seems like I was being self-conceited just now to think that he was looking at me.

"I would like to buy these."
The man points towards some merchs and pick them up. I give my business smile and nod at him. I swiftly wrap them up in a packaging and hand it to him.

"That will be 650 Chalin all together."
He hands me a pouch full of Chalin and about to walk away when he stopped in his track.

"You...are you a rookie cosplayer?"

I tilt my head at him.
"Ah...yes...That's true."

"No wonder...."
After saying those words, he walked up to me and close the distance between us.

"U-uh, sir, wh---"
My face went pale seeing him so up close. No matter how handsome he may be, I still won't accept it if he does anything inappropriate. (And yes, I just indirectly call him handsome.)

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