❥ single hope『ruze s. e. p.』

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Ruze x Kuudere! Child! Reader

Requested by: nglxxh
I srsly don't know how does a x child reader works though so this one might not be what you expected. And for your information, i don't do any paedophile stuff so this one is just gonna be like sibling relationship.
This happens after the last episode of the anime so Ruze in this fic is more matured and responsible than the one he used to be.

Trigger Warning: Mention of child abuse and some cursing

A soft voice calls out to you. You avert your gaze from your book and turn to the source of the voice.

There Ruze stands, alone, with a tray of sweets in his hands

You look around him. It's quite odd seeing Ruze without Chrom. But you just ignore that fact and jump down from the chair you were sitting on, making your way towards Ruze.

"You were reading?"
You just nod at him. He takes your small body in his arms and lift you up after setting down the tray of sweets on the table.

"Well, I've got some sweets prepared for you. Let's enjoy it while reading then."
You nod once again. Ruze sets you down on the chair and puts a plate of sweets in front of you. You happily much on them while Ruze just stare at you with a content smile.

You were a child that Ruze found while he was inspecting some parts of Selenfalen. You were so small, maybe 4 years old, but there seems to be bruises on your body. When he found you, you were actually trying to escape from the orphanage you used to live in.

The owner of the orphanage is a cruel and loves to abuse the children in it. Because of always being beaten while growing up, you grew to be a quiet child. Hence, you had a hard time talking.

When you accidentally bump into Ruze, you couldn't help but to cling onto him, like a single thread of hope. You couldn't say anything, you could just cling onto him. He picked you up in his arms and tried to calm you down.

The owner, who noticed your disappearance, quickly ran after you and when he saw you with Prince Ruze, he lied to him to cover up his abusive activities.

He said you were a mute girl and a troublemaker. He said that you always wanted to run away from the orphanage to trouble him.

Bullsh*t. All of the words that came out of his mouth are just bullsh*t. Ruze didn't instantly give you to him, smelling something suspicious.


A whisper came out from your small mouth. It was so quiet, that if Ruze wasn't holding you close to him, he wouldn't ever hear anything.

He looked at you as soon as he heard that small voice. His eyes widened when he saw your terrified face. You weren't crying, but the terror on your face is truly evident.

Ruze holds you tighter and whispers in your ears,
"It's okay...I'll protect you."

In the end, the owner was arrested and you were taken into Ruze's custody. The other kids at the orphanage are sent to another orphanage and some are lucky enough to be adopted.

Everyday is filled with you reading and spending time with Ruze. You still rarely talk. After all, Ruze already understand most of what you're thinking so you don't really find a need to talk.

Even so, Ruze constantly worries about you. Even at a young age, you barely show any emotion and is hard to read (according to other people). He doesn't want to force you to socialise or anything but it will be really helpful for you in the future.

He finally decided to ask for your your thoughts on the matter.

"Say, Y/N?"
Ruze calls out to you. You close the book you were reading and look at him.

"Do you....ever feel the need to socialize with other people? To talk more or maybe show your emotion more?"
He worded his words carefully, not wanting for you to feel pressured by his question.

Your face suddenly became flustered, making Ruze confused by your reaction.

Your mouth open and close, like you're going to say something. Ruze patiently wait for your next response.

After a few more moment of silence, Ruze decided to speak up, seeing how flustered you are.

"Y/N...it's okay, you don't need to reply right aw---"

"I-i...have...always practiced to talk.. when I'm alone. I want to thank everyone...for everything. I want to thank YOU most of all...for helping me and giving me hope on that day....and continue being someone I can rely on....thank you..."
Your voice was loud enough for him to hear everything. Your cheeks are tainted with pink hues, probably because of the shyness you're feeling.

But nevertheless you did it. You finally got to tell him your feelings. A smile graced your lips and your eyes have never look so bright before.

Ruze was left speechless at your sudden burst of talking. His heart warms up and he gently smile at you as he picks you up.

"My, you certainly did your best. Why don't we go around and show them what you've practised. I'm sure everyone will love it."

You nod enthusiastically at his suggestion, a smile never leaving your face.

That evening, there's a row of corpses, I mean, passed out bodies along the hallway and around the palace. There's a talk going around that the victims (?not really? they seemed happy?) saw a shining angel carrying an adorably cute angel that was thanking everyone before the victims passed out. But really, who knows......

The End
Is this crappy? Yes. Is this a mess. Absolutely.
Gah I'm so sorry i really don't know what to write ghhhhh where are ideas when i need it the most???? But i tried to finish this and complete other request so stay tuned!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2020 ⏰

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