Your Hurting Me

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〰️ Björn 〰️

"FUCK!!!!!", I cursed as I paced around out of my bedchamber

Amira had locked me out and refused to say a word to me. I could hear her faint cries through the wooden door, which drive me further into guilt.

"Fuck my life!!!", I growl punching the wall

I should have told Amira everything from the beginning, now she won't even let me explain. She was right when she called me a lair. I had been lying for months now and now it has caught up to me. I deserve her being angry with me. I don't blame her, for if the tables where turned I would be angry as well.

I just needed her to know that I love only her and I never touched Tori after we married, hell even though our brothel I didn't touch no other. Amira has my full heart and no one else will ever possesses it, besides my children.

Hours had passed and still no tell of her sleeping or letting me in. With a heavy sigh, I make my way to the guest chambers.

Opening the door, I am met by an empty and cold room. That held hints of Amira's jasmine oils. I had forgotten this was Amira's old quarters before we shared our chambers as husband and wife.

Breathing in deeply, only grows the wound in my soul at our distances. I'm going to have to speak with my mother on how to win Amira's heart again.

Just thinking about it causes angry to boil in my stomach at my failure to keep my wife's love. The god's are surely going to punish me for the ignorance.

Keeping off my boots and jerking my leather armor and tunic over my head, as I tossed them on the stool like chair. Turning to face the empty and cold bed, I grudgingly climb onto, missing my wife's presence and warmth. Tonight is going to be the longest night of my life, I think as I stare up at the black ceiling.

Slowly closing my eyes, I plead to Frigga to help me win Amira's heart back. As I slowly close my eyes, I could hear an faint, "The answer will come, when all truths has been spoken"

The next morning, I wake up with my father setting on an chair staring at me with angry eyes. Jerking up, I knew what he had to say wasn't going to be kind or welcoming. Sitting up, I sigh heavily and stared directly in my father's cold blue eyes.

"What have you done? I thought I raised an man but apparently your still an child!!", my father hissed, "You couldn't just tell your wife the truth. You had to sneak around like an poisonous snake. Killing everything we work so hard for!! Now because of you she demanding an divorce. She's demanding to be returned back home!!!"

"Will she cannot get an divorce according to her laws and religion. The women have no rights in her world", I screeched in disbelief

"Will she's demanding it!!", my father growls

"I don't care what she is demanding!! She can not demand anything. So she's suck being my wife, if she likes it or not"

My father starts to laugh at me, nearly falling out of his chair as his laughs grows louder, "What are you laughing at?"

"You!!! You honestly think she's going to let you touch her again let alone be in the same room with her. You might as well divorce her, son! Because your marriage is going to feel like it!!", he laughs some more

Sighing heavily, I toss the covers off of me seating up on the bed, throwing my legs to the side as I place both hands on the face in frustration. It hasn't even been an year into my marriage and already I have ruined an third marriage.

"Why has the god's cursed me to destroy every marriage I am in", I find myself questioning out loud

Suddenly I felt my father's large rough hands on my shoulder, " truly love her? Don't you?"

Glancing up at his questioning face, eagerly awaiting my answer, "As Odin loves Frigga", I quickly answered

"Then fight for your marriage. Don't ruined it as I did mines with your mother, son"

Upon hearing my father words I couldn't help but star at him. He still loves my mother gave me hope because I knew my mother felt the same as he. And if they can still love each after everything they have done to one another then Amira and myself have an fighting chance.

"Yes, son I do. I always have..", he say turning form me, "I was young and impulsive with my decisions. I wanted what the gods have promised me. I wanted it at any cost but I didn't aspect to lose your mother in my blind greed", my father continued, "And now I am stuck in this loveless marriage with a women that only wants an title and not the responsibility of being Queen son"

Feeling sympathy for my father and his situation,"Father!!", I started to say but was cut off with a wave of his hand

"Don't worry son, it's my fault and I can only blame myself for this situation. I just have to find away to live with my failures and hopefully Odin finds mercy on me"

Standing up with new a determination, I smile at my father as I head out of the chamber to my and my wife's chamber, to fight for my marriage.

"Good luck", my father shuts behind me with a grin in his voice

I just pray that Amira takes me back and forgive me with time.

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