Goodmorning Princess

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〰 Amira 〰

"Good morning Princess Amira. How did you sleep?"

My handmaiden Gabriela ask as she open the curtains letting in the bright sun.

"Close the damn curtains Gabriel!!!!!"

"Or what?"

Piling the covers form my face, I glare at her form the bed. Daring her to challenge me any further.

"Or what, Troll!!??"

My eyes grows larger then they already are with anger. She and everyone else knows I hate being called that. I dye myself green when I was 6, running around the market I fell into one of the dying wells. It took a month to wash that color out of my hair and skin and since then everyone calls me Troll.

Leaping out of bed I pounce at her but fall flat on my face. Grunting and slamming my fist on the stone floor with frustration, I chase her out of my chambers and down the halls of my father's palace.

Chasing her down the stairs and into the kitchens. Knocking over plates of food, pots and pans, and spilling dirty water on Gisla's maid Maria.


I shout, as I slide under a platter of food met for my father's chamber.

"Amira!!!!!!!!!!!!!! The Emperor isn't going to be please with you. A Princess don't run around acting like wild peasants. Behave yourself. Who is going to marry you when you act like man!!!!!!!!!"

All the servants and cooks shout at me as I knock them over trying to get Gabriel. Running as fast as I can I slam into something hard. Falling flat on my back I grunt in pain and announces.

"What the hell? Can you watch where you are going?"

I scream while trying to get up from the floor.
Still the person said nothing until I come face to face with my father, Emperor Charles of Frankia.

"Sss....orry father I didn't mean to. I was jj....ust..."

"You where just running around my palace acting like one of those wild Vikings. Go to your chambers and get dress at once"

"Yes father"

I turned as fast as I could on my heels and started to race back to my room. When a strong hand grab my under arm and drag me back into there chest.

"Walk. I think you have done enough running for today, daughter"

My father growl into my ear. Releasing me with a push, I walk back to my room with a bruised arm. My father is a spineless crowd that listens to my older sisters wishes and claims them as his own. He hates me with a passion because I was suppose to be his promise Prince but instead he got another daughter.

Making it back to my room, my handmaidens help me get dress for this meeting with the lords. I still don't know why father wants me there. All I do is sit there and look pretty for these damn Lords. He knows I hate wearing dresses and I hate sitting for too long when I could be practicing my sword and bow skills.

Putting on a pink and gold silk dress with my gold crown. The dress hugs my small breast to my hips and then flares out at the hips into a flowing material that sweeps the stone floor with a small train in the back.

My hair is brushed into soft loose curls cascading down my back. Looking at my reflection in the floor length mirror has me satisfied with my look.

Walking down the halls, down the stairs and up to my small throne chair opposite of my sister large throne, as caught the attention of the sick old bastard Lords of Frankia. Flaring out my dress before I sit down on the hard uncomfortable throne, with a look of disgust so all I see I am not too please to be here.

"Late again dear Amelia isn't going to seat well with father", Gisla whisper to me across father's empty throne.

"I don't care! He knows I hate being placed on display like a cow waiting to be slaughtered", I grunted back with a forced smile as father was being announced in.

"Keep it up and you will be force to marry one of those wild barbarian Vikings. Maybe it will suite you, Troll"

"What?!?", I growl

Turning my head sharply towards my sister has father sits on his throne.

Just when I am about to voice my angry, father stops me, "Amelia?!? Shut your mouth or else", Father growled through a tight mouth.


"I don't care, shut your got damn mouth!!!!!", Father shouted

Turning back in my throne I glance out at the Lords and Ladies. Narrowing my eyes at each one, as their smirks grow into full blown smiles. I wish I had a gallon of poison, I would give them each a cup of it and watch as they all swallow it.

"Emperor, Princess Gisla, and Princess Amelia we asked for this meeting because the Vikings are back and have greater numbers then before. This time we fear they want to conquer and rape our beloved Frankia of its riches.", Lord Andals shouts so all can hear him.

The Lords and Ladies of Frankia all waited patiently has father leans back in his throne like he always does. Rolling my eyes at the fake pondering of remakes to the sighing of sadness, annoys me beyond words.

After thirty minutes of slience my sister begins to talk, unable to take the slience any longer.

"We should get all the Lords and Dukes of Frankia to supply men and supplies to stop them before they get here"

Yes that would be the best choice but father won't do it because his a crowd and is afraid of losing. Which would make him look weak to his brother, the Emperor West of Frankia.

"No, I have a plan and it involves my elders daughters' hand in marriage", my father said right before all hell broke lose.

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