Love at first

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I woken to a sound,I knew it was morning then I wanted to sleep longer but I knew my mother would not let me stay.I got up and went to change in my school clothes.As I did the my routine and left I forgot about time and it was late.As I ran as fast I could,to me I thought I was fast but in reality I was very slow.The hill came and I was going down I could not slow down when i was close to the ground I saw the saw the most handsome man I seen in my lifetime.I knew I had to stop or I will crash into him but it was too late I closed my eyes.I have fell and my body hurt more then ever as I open my eyes I saw him there under me I must've fell on him I got up quick and said sorry and left to school

Hello,this is my first book ever made and I tried my best but if you don't like it that okay.i will update every Saturday or Wednesday if I don't post on Saturday then I post on Wednesday see I have to do stuff and I have reading blocks a lot.I will do Q and A every few pages and that what I have today
Bye and have a great day
Love,(I don't have a name to call myself right now)

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