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As i walk into the house i saw mom chilling on the couch watching her show.I greeted her and walk to my room i put my phone on my speaker and put my favorite song on. A little while later mom came into my room and said "hey" i didn't hear her so she shouted "hey!" I heard her this time and lower the music and said "yeah what's up?" She said "nothing much I am gonna go to the store need anything?" I said "uhhh a small snack?" Mom nodes and leaves my room. I then listen back to my music.

~Mom's POV~
*walking down stairs to go to the garage* she is growing up but and still here without anybody but me. *gets into car* I hope she will find someone to love *leaves to the store* I love my daughter but she needs a boyfriend soon because I won't be here for a long time *too Focus on thinking*
-Yui POV-
*gets call*
*Person on phone* "hello is this Yui Yamamoto?
*Yui replies* "yes this is how can I help you?"
*person on phone* "um unfortunately your mother has past away due to a car crash"
*yui starts to cry uncontrollably knowing she has nobody left* "o-oh" * hangs up*
~hour later~
I started to cry I then hanged up I couldn't handle it. I lost everything I lost my Mom she is gone forever
*tear falls down cheek*
I have nobody.....

I start to notice my hair i-it was turning a different color it was blue but I couldn't care at the moment I continue to cry though the night and wanted today to be a dream

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I start to notice my hair i-it was turning a different color it was blue but I couldn't care at the moment I continue to cry though the night and wanted today to be a dream

Hey I am back guys hope you guys will like this chapter I am getting back into the schedule again and hope you guys have a wonderful day teehee
Loved, (still don't got a name for myself)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2019 ⏰

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