Home sweet home

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I was walking home just normal my hair look brown because of the lighting and shade I took my hair down.I wish had quick way of getting home.Then as I walk home I see that boy again he looks lovely but I saw a girl with him I thought it was his sister so I carry on I went in a store to pick up a snacks for mom and me I went in the shop I looked around for awhile I figured out what I wanted and got something for mom.It was sunset so I quickly ran home.When I got home I said hello to mom and give her the food.she smiled at me and said "thanks sweetheart love you" then she kiss me on the cheek.I fell on the couch on my phone checking my accounts then I see a friend request it was the boy.I was extremely happy I jumped up and went to my room which is very very weird I have thing that an anime lovers will have.When I got to my room I jumped on the bed then

When I got to my room I jumped on the bed then

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I fell asleep without me knowing it.I love sleeping but I need to eat I went to get some food but when I look there was nothing there i guess mom didn't make dinner I went to make dinner for me and mom .Mom is getting older she probably fell asleep too,I cracked an egg into the pan and added salt i flip the egg and made some ramen and add a few other thing.I set up everything on the table and call mom to come on down to eat.She came down and sat down at the table she look like she was hungry I gave her the ramen with the egg and chopsticks and I went to sit down and eat we ate and left to our room I said to mom "love you I am going to work out ok bye" mom said "love you too thanks for dinner" I went to the gym and got dressed in the bathrooms and went to the punching bags

She came down and sat down at the table she look like she was hungry I gave her the ramen with the egg and chopsticks and I went to sit down and eat we ate and left to our room I said to mom "love you I am going to work out ok bye" mom said "love ...

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After that went to all my daily activity and then I saw the boy he was working out so I went away from him and bought a shake then sat down and work on legs and then left
I went to my room and took a shower and went to bed and look around on my accounts and fell asleep

I hope you like this chapter and leave some questions and I will answer then and have a good day and stay reading
Love (still don't have a name for me)

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